Discover a comprehensive list of 5-letter words that start with “th” to boost your word game skills and enhance your vocabulary.
- There- In or at that place.
- Their- Belonging to them.
- These- Plural of ‘this.’
- Thing- An object or item.
- Think- To ponder or consider.
- Thick- Relatively dense in consistency.
- Thief- A person who steals.
- Thesis- A statement or theory put forward.
- Theme- A central topic or subject.
- Thigh- The part of the leg between hip and knee.
- Threw- Past tense of throw.
- Thorn- A sharp, pointed part of a plant.
- Three- One more than two.
- Thirty- Ten multiplied by three.
- Thump- A heavy, muffled sound.
- Throb- A pulsating sensation.
- Thine- Archaic form of yours.
- Thrum- To play or strum (a stringed instrument) idly.
- Thrill- To cause to feel excitement or pleasure.
- Thres- (Short for threshold) A point of entry or beginning.
- Throw- To propel something through the air.
- Thrum- A continuous rhythmic humming sound.
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