In this article, you will find a comprehensive list of words that start with “om.
- Omasum- the third compartment of the stomach of a ruminant.
- Omphalitis- inflammation of the umbilicus.
- Omnipotent- having unlimited power.
- Omnipresent- present everywhere at the same time.
- Omniscient- knowing everything.
- Omnivore- an animal or person that eats both plants and animals.
- Omnium- the total or aggregate sum.
- Omertà - a code of silence in criminal organizations.
- Omnificent- all-creating; having unlimited powers of creation.
- Omnivorous- feeding on both plant and animal substances.
- Omophagia- the eating of raw flesh.
- Omophagic- relating to the consumption of raw flesh.
- Omphalos- a central point; the navel.
- Omoplate- another term for scapula (shoulder blade).
- Omentum- a fold of the peritoneum connecting the stomach with other abdominal organs.
- Omidirectional- capable of receiving or transmitting signals in all directions.
- Omnibenevolent- all-loving or infinitely good.
- Omnimeter- an instrument for measuring all angles or directions from a point.
- Ombudsman- an official appointed to investigate complaints.
- Omophagy- consumption of raw flesh, especially in rituals.
- Omertase- an enzyme composed of the same elements that forms a micro environment.
- Omega- the last letter of the Greek alphabet.
- Ommatidia- the compound eyes of arthropods.
- Ombre- a color gradient from light to dark.
- Omnific- capable of making or doing all things.
- Ombred- shaded or graduated in color.
- Ombreled- having or resembling an umbrella.
- Ombrometer- an instrument for measuring the quantity of precipitation.
- Omnigraph- universal translation apparatus.
- Omnilingual- able to speak or understand all languages.
- Ommatidium- one of the individual units of a compound eye.
- Omnicompetent- able to deal with all matters.
- Omnifarious- of all varieties or forms.
- Omnikinetic- able to move in all directions.
- Omniparent- being both mother and father.
- Omnivisual- capable of seeing everything.
- Omnitype- a device capable of reproducing all types of publications.
- Ompal- meant to bridge gaps in the text.
- Omophore- a broad sash worn by Eastern Orthodox bishops.
- Ommastrephid- belonging to a family of squid.
- Omograph- a word spelled the same as another but having a different meaning.
- Omniarch- ruler of all.
- Omnivariate- of all varieties or kinds.
- Omphalate- relating to the navel.
- Ommatelic- belonging or peculiar to the eyes.
- Omniscope- a device allowing one to view all angles.
- Omnism- the belief in all religions.
- Omnilateral- involving all sides.
- Omnitheism- belief in all gods.
- Omnicultrant- cultivation of all crops.
- Omnispective- considering all views.
- Ombrophobe- a plant incapable of withstanding prolonged rainfall.
- Ombrophilous- thriving in or sensitive to rainfall.
- Omnichannel- integrating multiple channels to interact with customers.
- Omnifocal- lenses that can focus on all distances.
- Omnicide- the total extinction of the human species as a result of human action.
- Ombrotrophic- deriving nutrients primarily from rainfall.
- Ommatophore- a stalk bearing an eye in mollusks.
- Ombrophytically- pertaining to plants that grow in rainy habitats.
- Omnibenevolence- infinite or unlimited kindness.
- Ombrolysis- the breaking down of leaves by rain.
- Ommatidia- plural of ommatidium, units in compound eyes.
- Omnimodal- using or able to function in multiple modes.
- Omoparental- involving a single parent.
- Omnium- gatherum – a collection of miscellaneous things.
- Omphalophlebitis- inflammation of the umbilical vein.
- Omnidirectional- in all directions.
- Omniborough- a borough encompassing multiple towns or areas.
- Omohyoid- muscle associated with the scapula and hyoid.
- Ommatophilous- fond of observing or studying eyes.
- Omilies- homilies or religious discourses.
- Omphalocace- umbilical ulceration.
- Omniprotestant- relating to all Protestant churches.
- Omniprogeny- offspring from all possible sources.
- Omniscopably- in a manner capable of viewing all round.
- Ombrelette- a small shade similar to an umbrella.
- Omphalectomy- surgical removal of the navel.
- Omphalopagus- conjoined twins who are attached at the abdomen.
- Omphalogram- a recording or image of the navel.
- Omphalorrhea- discharge from the navel.
- Omphaloplegia- paralysis of the abdominal muscles.
- Omphalophobia- fear of navels.
- Omohaymoid- muscle connecting the shoulder blade and hyoid bone.
- Omnivision- unrestricted view.
- Ommispective- being able to consider all perspectives.
- Ombougremesis- vomiting induced by rainy weather.
- Omnipleurant- aspiring for all weeping due to sorrow.
- Omphalic- pertaining to the umbilicus.
- Omnipercipient- able to perceive all things.
- Omniform- adaptable to all shapes.
- Omnicentric- having multiple centers.
- Omniterrestrial- existing or occurring on land everywhere.
- Ombrodium- inferior form of atmospheric precipitation.
- Ombrotheyroid- having weather elements similar to the thyroid issues.
- Omohyales- encompassing or involving major rainfall.
- Omogenous- having all components of the same kind.