Discover a rich collection of intriguing and unique words that start with the letter N, perfect for expanding your vocabulary and impressing your friends.
- Nonchalant- appearing calm and relaxed
- Nebula- a cloud of gas and dust in space
- Nostalgia- longing for the past
- Nonpareil- unmatched excellence
- Nefarious- wicked or criminal
- Nimble- quick and light in movement
- Niche- a specialized segment of the market
- Nirvana- a state of perfect happiness
- Notorious- famous for something bad
- Nouveau- new or modern
- Nomadic- living a wandering life
- Nuance- subtle difference in meaning or expression
- Nurture- to care for and encourage growth
- Nirvana- an ideal condition of rest, harmony, or joy
- Nebulous- vague or ill-defined
- Nexus- a connection or series of connections
- Nobilitate- to make noble
- Nocturnal- active at night
- Novice- a beginner
- Nuphar- a type of water lily
- Nimbus- a halo or aura
- Nonplussed- surprised and confused
- Nefarious- extremely wicked
- Neoteric- new or modern
- Niveous- resembling snow
- Noisome- having an extremely offensive smell
- Nadir- the lowest point
- Nignog- a foolish person (offensive use)
- Nifty- particularly good or skillful
- Nomm de plume- a pen name
- Notable- worthy of attention
- Nonconformist- a person who does not conform
- Natty- stylish and tidy
- Nebbish- a timid, feeble person
- Negotiate- to discuss in order to reach an agreement
- Nurture- to encourage development
- Nonagon- a nine-sided polygon
- Nominate- to propose for a position
- Neologism- a newly coined word or expression
- Nymph- a mythological spirit
- Neutron- a subatomic particle
- Nugatory- of no value or importance
- Notwithstanding- in spite of
- Neophyte- a person new to a subject
- Nonlinear- not arranged in a straight line
- Nexus- a central or focal point
- Niche- a comfortable or suitable position
- Nostalgic- exhibiting a longing for the past
- Nonchalantly- in a casually calm manner
- Niff- unpleasant smell
- Narrate- to tell a story
- Nurturant- providing physical and emotional care
- Network- a system of connection
- Nonpareil- having no match or equal
- Navigate- to direct the course of
- Nubile- sexually attractive
- Numinous- having a strong religious or spiritual quality
- Nebula- an astronomical entity
- Nepotism- favoritism toward relatives
- Navigable- able to be traversed by ships
- Nomenclature- a system of names
- Nestle- to settle comfortably
- Nonplus- to surprise and bewilder
- Nitpick- to be overly critical
- Nibble- to take small bites
- Nettle- to irritate or provoke
- Nifty- particularly good, skillful
- Nonplussed- perplexed and confused
- Narrative- a spoken or written account
- Nocturne- a musical composition evocative of night
- Nimbus- a luminous cloud
- Nome- an administrative division in ancient Egypt
- Nutmeg- a spice used in cooking
- Notarial- relating to a notary or a notary’s duties
- Niftily- in an agile or skillful manner
- Notate- to write in a musical score
- Nutural- relating to nature or natural forces
- Naivete- lack of experience
- Noetic- relating to mental activity
- Numismatics- study or collection of currency
- Nexus- connections
- Nudist- a person who engages in the practice of going naked
- Nomothete- a lawgiver
- Neurology- the branch of medicine dealing with nerves and the nervous system
- Naturalism- the depiction of realistic objects in a natural setting
- Natch- naturally
- Nonconformity- refusal to conform
- Neuropil- a dense network of interwoven nerve fibers
- Nonsectarian- not affiliated with any specific religious denomination
- Nightingale- a bird noted for its evening song
- Narcotic- a drug affecting mood or behavior
- Nostrum- a pet scheme or theory
- Nihilism- the rejection of all religious and moral principles
- Nanotechnology- the branch of technology dealing with dimensions less than 100 nanometers
- Ninefold- having nine parts or elements
- Nomen- a name or designation
- Nonchalant- feeling or appearing casually calm
- Noctuary- a record of what passes in the night
- Nacreous- resembling nacre or mother-of-pearl
- Neuter- lacking or not involving sexual activity
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