Discover a helpful list of science terms that start with the letter Q to boost your scientific vocabulary and knowledge.
- Quantum – The smallest quantity of energy that can be emitted or absorbed as electromagnetic radiation.
- Quark – A fundamental particle that makes up hadrons such as protons and neutrons.
- Quasar – A massive and extremely remote celestial object, emitting exceptionally large amounts of energy.
- Quenching – The process of rapidly cooling a material to alter its chemical or physical properties.
- Quantum Mechanics – A fundamental theory in physics describing the properties of nature on an atomic scale.
- Quarry – A type of open- pit mine from which rock or minerals are extracted.
- Quantization – The process of transitioning from a classical understanding of physical phenomena to a newer, quantum mechanical understanding.
- Quiescence – A state of quietness or inactivity, often used in biology to describe a resting phase in cell cycles.
- Quartz – A hard, crystalline mineral composed of silicon and oxygen atoms.
- Quinine – A medication used to treat malaria and babesiosis.
- Quadrant – An instrument used in astronomy and navigation for measuring the altitude of stars.
- Quicksilver – Another name for the element mercury.
- Quadruple Bond – A type of chemical bond between two atoms that involves four pairs of electrons.
- Quaternary Structure – The structure formed by several protein molecules, usually called protein subunits.
- Quicklime – Calcium oxide, obtained by heating limestone.
- Quantitative Analysis – The determination of the quantity or concentration of a substance in a sample.
- Quasicrystal – A structure that is ordered but not periodic, discovered in certain types of alloys.
- Quadrivalent – Possessing a valence of four, especially in chemistry.
- Quantum Entanglement – A physical phenomenon occurring when pairs or groups of particles are created in such a way that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently.
- Qubit – A quantum bit, the basic unit of quantum information.
- Quinary – Pertaining to the number five.
- Qualitative Analysis – The determination of the chemical composition of a sample.
- Quench Spot – A localized region where quenching occurs during materials processing.
- Quasi- Particle – A concept in physics that describes emergent phenomena that occur when a microscopically complicated system behaves as if it contains weakly interacting particles.
- Quantum Electrodynamics – The theory in physics that describes how light and matter interact.
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