Discover an extensive list of words that start with “mu” to boost your vocabulary and enhance your language skills.
- Music- Art of arranging sounds in time.
- Muscle- Tissue producing movement.
- Museum- A place displaying objects of interest.
- Mumble- Speak quietly and indistinctly.
- Mustang- A wild horse of American plains.
- Mutton- Meat from a mature sheep.
- Muzzle- Device to prevent an animal from biting.
- Muster- Gathering of troops or people.
- Mush- Soft, wet, pulpy mass.
- Mural- Large artwork painted on a wall.
- Mute- Silent or without sound.
- Mushroom- Fungi with a spore-bearing structure.
- Mulberry- A berry from the mulberry tree.
- Multiply- Increase in number.
- Musing- Thoughtfully meditative.
- Muffin- Small, round baked good.
- Muddle- Confuse or mix up.
- Murmur- Soft, indistinct sound.
- Mutiny- Rebellion against authority.
- Mule- Offspring of a horse and donkey.
- Mucus- Slimy substance produced by membranes.
- Muffler- Scarf worn around the neck.
- Mullion- Vertical bar dividing windows.
- Muttonchop- Style of facial hair.
- Mucilage- Sticky substance for glue.
- Mumblety- peg – Knife game.
- Mummify- Preserve a body by embalming.
- Mull- Consider deeply.
- Multiply- Times in arithmetic.
- Murky- Dark and gloomy.
- Muck- Filthy or slimy substance.
- Mullet- Type of hairstyle.
- Muzzleloader- Firearm loaded from muzzle.
- Musty- Having a stale odor.
- Musk- Strong-smelling substance from a gland.
- Murasaki- Japanese word for purple.
- Muesli- Breakfast cereal mix.
- Mulligan- Golf redo shot.
- Mummy- Preserved Egyptian body.
- Mug- Large drinking cup.
- Multiplex- Cinema with several screens.
- Municipal- Relating to a city or town.
- Mutation- Change in genetic structure.
- Murine- Relating to mice or rats.
- Munition- Military weapons and equipment.
- Mulloway- Large fish in temperate waters.
- Mummyberry- Blueberry plant disease.
- Multifaceted- Having many aspects.
- Murderer- One who commits murder.
- Muesli- Breakfast cereal with grains, nuts, dried fruit.
- Murrelet- Small seabird.
- Mung- Type of bean.
- Murphy- Another term for potato.
- Mutual- Shared in common.
- Muddy- Covered in or full of mud.
- Muscat- Variety of grape.
- Musky- Having an odor of musk.
- Mugs- Attempts (as in mug shots).
- Munificent- Extremely generous.
- Musclebound- Having extremely powerful muscles.
- Mundane- Ordinary or dull.
- Munch- Eat noisily.
- Murex- Type of mollusk.
- Mundanity- The quality of being mundane.
- Mutter- Speak in a low voice.
- Mullah- Muslim religious leader.
- Murrain- Disease in cattle.
- Muleteer- One who drives mules.
- Murk- Dark or gloomy atmosphere.
- Murray- Another spelling for “Murree”.
- Multitudes- Large number of people or things.
- Muffle- Wrap up to reduce noise.
- Mufti- Civilian clothes worn by someone in uniform.
- Mullion- Vertical bar between panes of glass.
- Mucosal- Relating to mucus membranes.
- Muff- Handwarmer made of fur or cloth.
- Mutagen- Agent causing mutation.
- Mushy- Soft and pulpy.
- Multiform- Having many shapes.
- Multifocal- Having many centers.
- Muskmelon- Type of melon.
- Muskeg- North American swamp.
- Muffuletta- Italian sandwich.
- Musette- Small bag or pouch.
- Muscovy- Region in Russia.
- Mukluk- Eskimo boot.
- Murexes- Plural of murex, type of mollusk.
- Murrey- Dark reddish-purple color.
- Mutagenic- Causing genetic mutation.
- Multivalve- Mollusk with many plates.
- Muffin- top – Excess fat spilling over waistband.
- Multitude- Large number of items or people.
- Muskrat- North American aquatic rodent.
- Multifruit- Containing juice of many fruits.
- Mudlark- Person who scavenges in river mud.
- Muntjac- Small deer species.
- Mustard- Pungent yellow condiment.
- Muslim- Follower of Islam.
- Mulled- Spiced and heated, as in wine.
- Mutant- Result of mutation.
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