In this article, you will find a comprehensive list of words that are four letters long and start with the letter “p.
- Pace- speed or rate of movement.
- Pack- a bundle of things wrapped together.
- Page- one side of a sheet of paper.
- Pain- physical or emotional suffering.
- Pair- a set of two things used together.
- Palm- the inner part of the hand.
- Pant- to breathe heavily.
- Park- a public area with trees and grass.
- Part- a piece of something.
- Pass- to go by something.
- Past- the time before now.
- Path- a way or track.
- Peak- the top of a mountain.
- Peel- to remove the outer layer.
- Peer- to look closely.
- Pelt- animal skin with fur.
- Pens- writing instruments.
- Pert- lively or cheeky.
- Phew- an expression of relief.
- Pick- to choose something.
- Pile- a heap of things.
- Pine- a type of tree.
- Pint- a measure of liquid.
- Pity- feeling of compassion.
- Plan- a detailed proposal.
- Play- engage in activity for fun.
- Plea- a request for help.
- Plot- a storyline.
- Plow- to turn over soil.
- Plug- close an opening.
- Poke- jab with a finger.
- Pole- a long, slender object.
- Pond- a small body of water.
- Pore- a tiny opening in skin.
- Pose- to assume a position.
- Post- a piece of mail.
- Pour- to flow liquid steadily.
- Pray- to speak to a deity.
- Prey- an animal hunted for food.
- Prod- to poke sharply.
- Prof- a short form of professor.
- Prom- a formal dance.
- Prop- a support structure.
- Pull- to exert force to move.
- Pump- a device for moving fluids.
- Pure- not mixed with anything else.
- Push- to exert force away.
- Quad- a rectangular courtyard.
- Quay- a dock where ships load/unload.
- Quit- to stop doing something.
- Quiz- a short test.
- Race- a competition of speed.
- Rage- intense anger.
- Rail- a track for trains.
- Rain- water falling from clouds.
- Rake- a gardening tool.
- Rang- made a sound (past of ring).
- Rank- a level or position.
- Rant- to speak loudly.
- Rape- forced sexual activity.
- Rare- not common.
- Rate- a measure of speed or level.
- Road- a way for vehicles.
- Roam- to wander.
- Rock- a large stone.
- Role- a part in a play or film.
- Roll- to move by turning over.
- Roof- the top covering of a building.
- Room- an enclosed space.
- Root- part of a plant underground.
- Rope- a strong, thick cord.
- Rose- a type of flower.
- Rove- to wander.
- Rubs- to apply friction.
- Ruin- to destroy or spoil.
- Rule- a principle governing behavior.
- Rung- step of a ladder.
- Runs- moves quickly on foot.
- Sack- a large bag.
- Sage- a wise person.
- Sail- a boat’s fabric to catch wind.
- Salt- a mineral used in seasoning.
- Sand- small grains of rocks.
- Save- to rescue or keep safe.
- Scan- to look over quickly.
- Scar- a mark from a healed wound.
- Scat- go away quickly.
- Seal- a marine animal.
- Seat- a place to sit.
- Seek- to look for something.
- Seem- to appear to be.
- Sell- to exchange for money.
- Send- to cause to go.
- Sews- joins with needle and thread.
- Sham- something false or fake.
- Ship- a large boat.
- Shoe- footwear.
- Shop- a place to buy goods.
- Show- to display.
- Shut- to close.
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