Discover an extensive list of four-letter words starting with “S” to enhance your vocabulary easily.
- Safe- Free from harm or risk.
- Sale- The exchange of goods for money.
- Same- Identical or unchanged.
- Sand- Loose granular substance from rock erosion.
- Save- To keep or rescue from harm.
- Seal- A marine mammal or a device to fasten.
- Seat- Something to sit on.
- Seam- The line where two pieces of fabric are sewn together.
- Seed- A plant’s unit of reproduction.
- Seen- Perceived with the eyes.
- Sell- To give something in exchange for money.
- Send- To cause to go or be taken to a destination.
- Shop- A place where goods are sold.
- Shot- The act of firing a projectile.
- Show- To display or exhibit.
- Sick- Affected by illness.
- Side- A position to the left or right of an object.
- Sing- Produce musical tones with the voice.
- Sink- To descend or drop to a lower level.
- Site- A location or place.
- Size- The physical dimensions of something.
- Slip- To slide unintentionally.
- Slow- Moving or operating at a low speed.
- Snow- Frozen water vapor falling as flakes.
- Soft- Easy to mold or cut; not hard.
- Soil- The upper layer of earth where plants grow.
- Sold- Exchanged for money in the past.
- Sole- The undersurface of a foot or shoe.
- Some- An unspecified amount.
- Song- A short piece of music with words.
- Soon- In a short time; shortly.
- Sort- To arrange by class or category.
- Soup- A liquid dish made by boiling ingredients.
- Span- The full extent of something.
- Star- A glowing astronomical object or celebrity.
- Stay- Remain in a place.
- Step- To move by lifting one foot and setting it down in a new position.
- Stop- To cease movement or operation.
- Such- To a high degree.
- Suit- A set of matching garments.
- Sure- Confident.
- Surf- The waves rolling onto the shore.
- Swag- Stylish confidence or coolness.
- Swan- A large waterbird with a long neck.
- Swim- Move through water by using limbs.
- Sync- Synchronize.
- Sake- For the purpose of.
- Sage- A wise person or an herb.
- Salt- A substance used to season or preserve food.
- Snap- A sudden, sharp cracking sound.
- Snip- To cut something with scissors.
- Snow- Precipitation in the form of ice crystals.
- Sway- To move back and forth.
- Swan- A large waterbird.
- Scar- A mark left by a healed wound.
- Seal- An animal or to close securely.
- Scam- A dishonest scheme.
- Sump- A pit where liquid collects.
- Sink- To descend or drop.
- Suet- Hard fat used in cooking.
- Skew- To distort or to lean.
- Scam- A fraudulent scheme.
- Silo- A structure for storing bulk materials.
- Sire- A father, especially of animals.
- Soup- Liquid food made by boiling ingredients.
- Spur- A small spike used in horse riding.
- Spin- To turn around quickly.
- Sage- Herb or wise person.
- Shun- To avoid deliberately.
- Step- A movement made by lifting the foot.
- Stir- To mix a substance.
- Ship- A large vessel for traveling on water.
- Shed- To discard or lose.
- Snag- An unexpected obstacle.
- Sole- The bottom part of a foot or shoe.
- Sink- To descend or submerge.
- Show- To display or present.
- Stay- Remain in a specific position.
- Sake- Purpose or benefit.
- Spur- To urge forward.
- Snap- A sudden breaking sound.
- Seal- To close securely.
- Soap- A substance used for cleaning.
- Star- A luminous celestial body.
- Save- To rescue or protect.
- Site- A specific location.
- Soon- In a short time.
- Stop- To halt or cease.
- Slip- To slide unintentionally.
- Sing- To vocalize musical tones.
- Sole- Only one.
- Sum- The total amount.
- Silk- A fine fabric.
- Swipe- To steal or to move swiftly.
- Slot- A narrow opening.
- Stow- To pack or store away.
- Shun- To deliberately avoid.
- Shed- To discard or get rid of.
- Spun- Past tense of spin.
- Sund- Sundry or various.