Discover a list of five-letter words beginning with “an” to enhance your vocabulary and sharpen your word game skills.
- Ancon- Elbow or angular part.
- Andes- Mountain range in South America.
- Angel- A celestial being with spiritual significance.
- Anger- A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility.
- Angle- The space between two intersecting lines or surfaces.
- Angst- A feeling of deep anxiety or dread.
- Anima- The soul, inner self, or spirit.
- Anion- A negatively charged ion.
- Anise- A plant whose seeds are used for flavoring.
- Ankle- The joint connecting the foot with the leg.
- Annal- A record of events year by year.
- Annex- To add or attach, especially to something larger.
- Annoy- To irritate or make slightly angry.
- Annul- To declare invalid.
- Anode- The positive electrode in an electrical device.
- Anomy- A state or condition of individuals or society characterized by a breakdown of social norms.
- Ansae- Plural of ansa, a loop or handle-like structure.
- Antae- Pillar-like structures, often at the edge of a building.
- Antas- A type of prehistoric dolmen or single-chamber megalithic tomb.
- Antic- Grotesque or bizarre.
- Antis- Opponents or enemies.
- Antra- Plural of antrum, a cavity within a body or organ.
- Antsy- Restless or impatient.
- Anvil- A heavy iron block used in forging.
- Anyon- A type of quasiparticle in two-dimensional systems with anyonic statistics.
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