Discover a comprehensive list of five-letter words that start with “sh” to expand your vocabulary.
- Shape- The external form or appearance of an object.
- Shark- A large marine fish known for its sharp teeth.
- Share- To have a portion of something with others.
- Sharp- Having an edge or point that cuts or pierces easily.
- Shaky- Unsteady or trembling.
- Shelf- A flat, horizontal surface for storage or display.
- Shell- The hard protective outer case of some animals.
- Sheep- A domesticated ruminant animal with a woolly coat.
- Sheer- Very thin, allowing light to pass through.
- Shine- To emit light or glow.
- Shirt- A garment for the upper body.
- Shock- A sudden disturbance or surprise.
- Shady- Sheltered from direct sunlight.
- Shell- A hard outer covering of an object, typically an organism.
- Shore- The land along the edge of a sea or lake.
- Shook- Past tense of shake.
- Shout- To speak loudly and vehemently.
- Shirk- To avoid or neglect duty or responsibility.
- Shred- To cut or tear into thin strips.
- Short- Having little length or height.
- Shush- To tell someone to be silent.
- Shine- To give off light; to be bright.
- Shale- Sedimentary rock composed of clay.
- Shift- To move or cause to move to a different position.
- Shrine- A place regarded as holy due to its associations.
- Shrub- A woody plant smaller than a tree.
- Shyly- In a reserved or timid manner.
- Shrew- A small insectivorous mammal.
- Shaft- A long, slender, typically vertical structure.
- Shoal- A large number of fish swimming together.
- Sheen- A soft glow on a surface.
- Sheaf- A bundle of grain stalks laid lengthwise.
- Shank- The part of the leg between the knee and the ankle.
- Shine- To emit rays of light.
- Shade- Comparative darkness caused by something blocking light.
- Shift- A slight change in position, direction, or tendency.
- Shook- To shake; to upset.