Funny Words That Start with B: Top Picks

In this article, you will find a list of funny words that start with the letter B to bring a smile to your face.

  1. Babble – To talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, enthusiastic, or incomprehensible way.
  2. Bagel – A dense bread roll in the shape of a ring.
  3. Balderdash – Senseless talk or writing; nonsense.
  4. Ballyhoo – Extravagant publicity or fuss.
  5. Bamboozle – To fool or cheat someone.
  6. Banter – The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
  7. Bibble – To drink often; to eat and/or drink noisily.
  8. Bifurcate – To divide into two branches or forks.
  9. Blabbermouth – A person who talks excessively or indiscreetly.
  10. Blatherskite – A person who talks at great length without making much sense.
  11. Blob – A drop of a thick, viscous substance.
  12. Blubber – Excessive fat on a body or to sob noisily.
  13. Boing – The sound of a twanging spring or a ball bouncing.
  14. Bonkers – Mad; crazy.
  15. Boondoggle – Work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value.
  16. Bosh – Nonsense.
  17. Brouhaha – A noisy and overexcited reaction or response.
  18. Bumpkin – An unsophisticated or socially awkward person from the countryside.
  19. Bungle – To carry out a task clumsily or incompetently.
  20. Buzzkill – A person or thing that has a depressing or dispiriting effect.
  21. Bumfuzzle – To confuse or fluster.
  22. Booby – A stupid or silly person.
  23. Biddy – Informal term for a woman, especially an elderly one.
  24. Blimey – Used to express one’s surprise, excitement, or alarm.
  25. Buffoon – A ridiculous but amusing person; a clown.
  26. Bummer – A disappointing or unpleasant situation.
  27. Bugaboo – An object of fear or alarm.
  28. Blatant – Completely lacking in subtlety; very obvious.
  29. Boingy – Springy or bouncy.
  30. Bozo – A silly or foolish person.
  31. Brabble – To argue stubbornly about trivial matters.
  32. Boffin – A person engaged in scientific or technical research.
  33. Bludge – To avoid work or responsibility.
  34. Boogaloo – A genre of Latin music and dance.
  35. Boondocks – A remote and undeveloped area.
  36. Blips – Small or minor deviations.
  37. Binky – A child’s comfort object, such as a blanket or stuffed animal.
  38. Blurt – To say something suddenly and without careful consideration.
  39. Behoove – It is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something.
  40. Bludgeon – A thick stick with a heavy end, used as a weapon.
  41. Braggadocio – Empty boasting; bragging.
  42. Brainiac – A very intelligent person.
  43. Bratwurst – A type of German sausage.
  44. Bamboozler – One who bamboozles.
  45. Buzzy – Full of or alive with activity and excitement.
  46. Backflip – An acrobatic move in which a person rotates backward in the air.
  47. Bedazzle – To impress someone with outstanding ability or striking appearance.
  48. Befuddle – To confuse or perplex.
  49. Bellyache – Complain or grumble about something.
  50. Blimey – An expression of surprise or excitement.
  51. Boppel – To sway or bounce up and down.
  52. Buckeroo – A cowboy.
  53. Bumptious – Self- assertive or proud to an irritating degree.
  54. Bunco – A swindle or confidence trick.
  55. Blarney – Charming talk; flattery.
  56. Bunkum – Nonsense.
  57. Boombastic – High- sounding but with little meaning; inflated.
  58. Blag – To manage to obtain something by using persuasion or guile.
  59. Blissy – Extremely happy.
  60. Boff – A loud hearty laugh.
  61. Bizzle – To damage or spoil.
  62. Boogeyman – An imaginary evil being or spirit.
  63. Bamboozlement – The act of tricking or deceiving.
  64. Brat – A spoiled or troublesome child.
  65. Blat – To cry, as a calf or sheep; bleat.
  66. Bibbing – Eating or drinking noisily.
  67. Bric- a-brac – Miscellaneous objects and ornaments.
  68. Bickering – Petty argument.
  69. Bedraggled – Dirty and disheveled.
  70. Bovine – Relating to or resembling cattle.
  71. Buffoonery – Behavior that is ridiculous but amusing.
  72. Bumkin – Another term for bumpkin.
  73. Buzzer – An electrical device that makes a buzzing noise.
  74. Breezy – Appearing relaxed, informal, and cheerily brisk.
  75. Braggart – A person who boasts about achievements or possessions.
  76. Brolly – An umbrella.
  77. Brimful – Filled with something to the point of overflowing.
  78. Bauble – A small, showy trinket or decoration.
  79. Bloviator – A person who speaks pompously.
  80. Burble – To make a continuous murmuring noise.
  81. Boffo – Highly effective or successful.
  82. Buttress – A source of defense or support.
  83. Blubberfish – A non- scientific term sometimes used for blobfish.
  84. Bopper – A person who enjoys dancing to pop music.
  85. Bumboat – A small boat used for ferrying provisions to ships.
  86. Baloney – Foolish or exaggerated talk.
  87. Bonnyclabber – Sour milk that has thickened or curdled.
  88. Bivouac – A temporary camp without tents or cover.
  89. Bumrush – A sudden, aggressive entry into a place.
  90. Bandicoot – A marsupial with a pointed snout.
  91. Beefcake – A term for muscular, well- built men.
  92. Beanpole – A very tall, thin person.
  93. Boffin – A person engaged in scientific or technical research.
  94. Batrachomyomachia – A conflict or confrontation that is trivial, or over something trivial.
  95. Bumfuzzle – To confuse or fluster.
  96. Blathermouth – A person who talks too much, often without making sense.
  97. Byre – A cow shed.
  98. Bawdy – Humorously indecent talk or writing.
  99. Blithering – Talking foolishly or excessively.
  100. Blabby – Inclined to reveal secrets or discuss private matters indiscreetly.