In this article, you’ll discover a comprehensive list of words that start with “pu.
- Punctuation- marks used in writing to separate sentences and clarify meaning.
- Pursue- to follow in order to catch or attack.
- Purpose- the reason for which something is done.
- Pure- free of any contaminants.
- Pupil- a student in school.
- Pulse- the rhythmic throbbing of arteries as blood is propelled through them.
- Puddle- a small pool of liquid.
- Puffy- swollen or inflated.
- Pulley- a wheel with a grooved rim around which a cord passes.
- Pulverize- to crush into a fine powder.
- Publish- to make publicly known.
- Puppet- a movable model of a person or animal.
- Pummel- to strike repeatedly with fists.
- Punctuate- to occur at intervals through a time or a place.
- Puny- small and weak.
- Pungent- having a sharply strong taste or smell.
- Pulse- a beat or throb.
- Pudgy- slightly fat.
- Purgatory- a place or state of suffering.
- Pupil- part of the eye that regulates light.
- Purchase- to buy something.
- Purge- to rid of an unwanted feeling or condition.
- Puzzle- a game or problem designed to test ingenuity.
- Pulp- a soft, wet, shapeless mass.
- Pulse- to move with strong, regular beats.
- Puncture- to pierce with a pointed object.
- Puerile- childishly silly and trivial.
- Putter- to occupy oneself in a leisurely manner.
- Pulsate- to expand and contract with strong movements.
- Pulverize- to reduce to fine particles.
- Purity- freedom from adulteration.
- Pupal- relating to the pupal stage of an insect.
- Punster- a person who makes puns.
- Purloin- to steal.
- Pungency- the quality of having a strong, sharp smell or taste.
- Pulse- an instance of a regularly recurring beat.
- Purr- a low continuous vibratory sound made by a cat.
- Pupal- stage between larva and adult in insects.
- Purport- to appear or claim to be or do something.
- Pus- thick yellowish fluid formed in infected tissue.
- Purgative- a substance that causes evacuation of the bowels.
- Puke- to vomit.
- Puss- a term for cat.
- Punish- to inflict a penalty on someone for an offense.
- Pulverulent- consisting of dust or fine powder.
- Putsch- a violent attempt to overthrow a government.
- Puddle- shallow pool of liquid.
- Pugilist- a professional boxer.
- Pullulate- to breed or spread rapidly.
- Pulsar- a highly magnetized rotating neutron star.
- Putrid- decaying and emitting a fetid smell.
- Punctilious- showing great attention to detail.
- Puppy- a young dog.
- Pupal- stage in insect development.
- Pursuant- in accordance with.
- Pulverulent- powdery.
- Pullet- a young hen.
- Purveyor- a person who supplies goods.
- Pulsate- to expand and contract with regular movement.
- Pulpit- a raised platform in a church.
- Push- to exert force on something.
- Pummel- to beat repeatedly.
- Punctuation- marks used in writing.
- Puppeteer- a person who operates puppets.
- Pungently- in a sharp or caustic manner.
- Puny- insignificant.
- Purlieu- outskirts or neighboring area.
- Purgative- cleansing.
- Purl- a stitch in knitting.
- Pungency- strong-smelling.
- Pulverous- powdery.
- Pusillanimous- showing a lack of courage.
- Pursuance- the act of pursuing.
- Purdah- the practice of concealing women from men.
- Pulchritude- physical beauty.
- Purgatorial- relating to purgatory.
- Pushover- someone easily influenced or defeated.
- Pursuant- complying with.
- Putsch- a coup.
- Pundit- an expert in a particular subject.
- Pulk- a type of sled.
- Puggle- a dog breed.
- Puddle- small pool of liquid.
- Pugilism- the sport of boxing.
- Putty- a malleable substance used for sealing.
- Pudendum- external genital organs.
- Purist- a person who insists on absolute adherence to traditional rules.
- Punctilio- a fine or petty point of conduct.
- Pupate- to develop into a pupa.
- Pusillanimously- in a manner showing lack of courage.
- Pumy- light and weak.
- Puny- small and weak.
- Pulverously- in a manner resembling powder.
- Pungently- having a sharp taste or smell.
- Purlieu- neighborhood or vicinity.
- Pursuant- followed or attended upon.
- Pullet- a young female chicken.
- Puppet- a figure operated by hand.
- Pulpy- resembling or containing pulp.
- Pull- to exert force on something to move it.