Discover how “ch” words function in English, including their pronunciation, common examples, and usage in sentences.
- Chair- A separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs.
- Cheese- A dairy product made from curdled or cultured milk.
- Cherry- A small, round stone fruit that is typically bright or dark red.
- Chess- A board game of strategic skill for two players, each responsible for 16 pieces.
- Chill- An unpleasant feeling of coldness in the atmosphere, one’s surroundings, or the body.
- Chalk- A soft white limestone used for writing on blackboards or other surfaces.
- Chase- Pursue to catch or catch up with.
- Chain- A series of linked metal rings used for fastening or securing objects.
- Change- Make or become different.
- Chant- A repeated rhythmic phrase, typically one shouted or sung in unison by a crowd.
- Chap- A man or boy (informal).
- Chart- A graphical representation of data or a diagram showing systematic relationships.
- Charm- A pleasing quality that attracts others.
- Cheap- Low in price, especially in relation to similar items or services.
- Cheat- Act dishonestly or unfairly to gain an advantage.
- Check- Examine to determine accuracy, quality, or condition.
- Cheek- Either side of the face below the eye.
- Cheer- Shout for joy or in praise or encouragement.
- Chew- Bite and work (food) in the mouth with the teeth.
- Chief- A leader or ruler of a people or clan.
- Child- A young human being below the age of puberty.
- Chime- A bell or a metal bar or tube, tuned and used melodically in sets.
- Chop- Cut (something) into pieces with repeated sharp blows of an axe or knife.
- Chore- A routine task, especially a household one.
- Choir- An organized group of singers, especially one that performs church services.
- Choose- Pick out or select (someone or something) as being the best or most appropriate.
- Chortle- Laugh in a noisy, gleeful way.
- Chronic- (of an illness) persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.
- Chronicle- A factual written account of important or historical events.
- Chunk- A thick, solid piece of something.
- Church- A building used for public Christian worship.
- Churn- A machine or container in which butter is made by agitating milk or cream.
- Cipher- A secret or disguised way of writing; a code.
- Circuit- A roughly circular line, route, or movement that starts and finishes at the same place.
- Circus- A traveling company of acrobats, trained animals, and clowns that perform in a tent.
- Citadel- A fortress, typically on high ground, protecting or dominating a city.
- Cistern- A tank for storing water, especially one supplying taps or as part of a flushing toilet.
- Citrus- A tree of the rue family, bearing a citrus fruit.
- Civic- Relating to a city or town, especially its administration.
- Civil- Relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, or courteous and polite.
- Clamor- A loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting.
- Clamp- A device typically used to hold or secure objects tightly together.
- Clash- A violent confrontation.
- Clasp- Grasp (something) tightly with one’s hand.
- Class- A set or category of things having some property or attribute in common.
- Cleat- A T-shaped piece of metal on a boat or ship, used for securing ropes.
- Cleave- Split or sever (something), especially along a natural line.
- Clench- Close into a tight ball, especially when feeling extreme emotion.
- Clerk- A person employed in an office, performing clerical work.
- Clever- Quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas.
- Click- A short, sharp sound as of a switch being operated or two hard objects coming quickly into contact.
- Client- A person using the services of a professional person or organization.
- Cliff- A steep rock face, especially at the edge of the sea.
- Climate- The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
- Climax- The most intense, exciting, or important point of something; a culmination or apex.
- Clinch- Confirm or settle (a contract or bargain).
- Clink- A light, sharp, ringing sound made by striking glass or metal objects together.
- Clipboard- A small board with a spring clip at the top, used for holding papers and providing support for writing.
- Clique- A small group of people with shared interests, often one that does not readily allow others to join.
- Cloak- A sleeveless outdoor overgarment that hangs loosely from the shoulders.
- Clock- A mechanical or electrical device for measuring time, indicating hours, minutes, and sometimes seconds.
- Clone- A genetically identical copy of an organism, produced naturally or scientifically.
- Close- A short distance away or apart in space or time.
- Closet- A tall cupboard or wardrobe with a door, used for storage.
- Clot- A thick mass of coagulated liquid, especially blood.
- Cloth- Woven or felted fabric made from wool, cotton, or a similar fiber.
- Cloud- A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the ground.
- Clout- Influence or power, especially in politics or business.
- Clown- A comic entertainer, especially one in a circus, wearing a traditional costume and exaggerated makeup.
- Club- An association or organization dedicated to a particular interest or activity.
- Cluck- A short, low sound made by a chicken.
- Clue- A piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime or solving of a mystery.
- Clump- A compacted group or bunch, especially of trees or plants.
- Cluster- A group of similar things or people positioned or occurring closely together.
- Clutch- Grasp or seize (something) tightly or eagerly.
- Coach- A person who trains a person or team in sport.
- Coal- A combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock used as fuel.
- Coarse- Rough or loose in texture or grain.
- Coast- The part of the land near the sea; the edge of the land.
- Coat- An outer garment worn outdoors, having sleeves and typically extending below the hips.
- Cobra- A venomous snake known for its hooded appearance when agitated.
- Cock- The adult male of a domestic chicken.
- Cocoa- A powder made from roasted and ground cacao seeds, used in making chocolate, or a drink made from this powder.
- Coda- A concluding section of a piece of music or a dance, especially one that is distinct from the main structure.
- Code- A system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others, especially for secrecy.
- Coerce- Persuade (someone) to do something by using force or threats.
- Coil- Arrange or wind (something long and flexible) in a joined sequence of concentric circles or rings.
- Coin- A flat, typically round piece of metal with an official stamp, used as money.
- Coke- A solid fuel made by heating coal in the absence of air so that the volatile components are driven off.
- Cold- Of or at a low or relatively low temperature, especially when compared with the human body.
- Collar- The part of a garment that encircles the neck, especially when raised or folded.
- Collect- Bring or gather together (things, typically when scattered or widespread).
- Colony- A country or area under the full or partial political control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country.
- Color- The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light.
- Column- A vertical structure that serves as a support for a structure above or as an ornament or monument.
- Combat- Fighting between armed forces.
- Combine- Unite; merge.
- Come- Move or travel toward or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker.
- Comfort- A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.
- Comic- A periodical containing comic strips, intended to provoke laughter.