Discover a variety of words that start with “anti” and understand their meanings and usage.
- Antibiotic- A substance that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms.
- Antidote- A medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison.
- Antifreeze- A liquid, typically added to water to lower its freezing point.
- Antioxidant- A substance that inhibits oxidation, especially one used to counteract the deterioration of stored food.
- Antithesis- A person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.
- Antipathy- A deep-seated feeling of dislike; aversion.
- Antiseptic- Substances that prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms.
- Anticlimax- A disappointing end to an exciting or impressive series of events.
- Antibody- A blood protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific antigen.
- Antigen- A toxin or other foreign substance that induces an immune response in the body.
- Antidepressant- A drug used to alleviate depression.
- Antilogarithm- The number of which a given number is the logarithm.
- Antipasto- An appetizer typically consisting of olives, anchovies, cheeses, and meats.
- Antisocial- Contrary to the laws and customs of society; devoid of or antagonistic to sociable instincts or practices.
- Antihistamine- A drug or other compound that inhibits the physiological effects of histamine, used especially in the treatment of allergies.
- Antic- Grotesque or bizarre.
- Antique- Having a high value because of considerable age.
- Antimatter- Material composed of antiparticles, which have the same mass as particles of ordinary matter but opposite charge.
- Antinomy- A contradiction between two beliefs or conclusions that are in themselves reasonable.
- Antitrust- Legislation enacted by the federal and various state governments to regulate trade and commerce by preventing unlawful restraints, price-fixing, and monopolies.
- Antisemitism- Hostility to or prejudice against Jews.
- Antifungal- A medication used to treat fungal infections.
- Antihero- A central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes.
- Antiaircraft- Used in defense against enemy aircraft.
- Anticyclone- A weather system with high atmospheric pressure at its center, around which air slowly circulates in a clockwise (northern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (southern hemisphere) direction.
- Anticorrosive- Counteracting or preventing corrosion.
- Antilock- (Of a braking system) designed to prevent the wheels from locking and skidding.
- Antiperspirant- A substance applied to the skin to reduce or prevent perspiration.
- Antipoverty- Designed to alleviate or reduce poverty.
- Antiretroviral- Drugs used to treat retroviral infections like HIV.
- Antiparticle- A subatomic particle having the same mass as a given particle but opposite electric or magnetic properties.
- Antistatic- Preventing the buildup of static electricity.
- Antifascist- A person opposed to fascism or to extreme right-wing authoritarianism.
- Antigovernment- Opposing or hostile to the government of a country.
- Antipyretic- (Of a drug) used to prevent or reduce fever.
- Antiviral- Effective against viruses.
- Antinuclear- Opposed to nuclear weapons and nuclear energy.
- Antiphonal- Sung, recited, or played alternately by two groups.
- Anti- inflammatory** – A drug used to reduce inflammation.
- Antispasmodic- (Of a drug) used to relieve spasm of involuntary muscle.
- Anti- aging** – Designed to prevent the appearance or onset of aging.
- Anticipate- Regard as probable; expect or predict.
- Antiwar- Opposed to war, typically a specific one.
- Antithetical- Directly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible.
- Antislavery- Opposed to the practice or system of slavery.
- Anticlimactic- Causing disappointment at the end of an exciting or impressive series of events.
- Antiballistic- Designed to counter ballistic missiles.
- Antiseizure- Designed to prevent or alleviate seizures.
- Antistress- Intended to relieve stress.
- Antismoking- Opposed to or prohibiting smoking.
- Anticarcinogenic- Counteracting or suppressing the development of cancer.
- Antidiscrimination- Opposed to or acting against discrimination based on race, gender, age, or other criteria.
- Anticapitalist- Opposed to capitalism.
- Antivaccine- Opposed to the use of vaccines.
- Antiscalding- Designed to prevent scalding.
- Antiquarian- Relating to or dealing in antiques or rare books.
- Anticonsumerist- Opposed to the policy or practice of encouraging the purchase of goods and services.
- Antiham- Containing substitutes for ham, usually in a vegetarian product.
- Antiformalist- Opposed to strict adherence to traditional forms and methods in art or literature.
- Antileak- Designed to prevent leaks.
- Antisaloon- Supporting the prohibition of the operation of saloons.
- Antiseismic- Designed to resist seismic forces.
- Antistressor- Anything that reduces stress.
- Antimicrobial- Killing or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms.
- Anticaking- Preventing powdered or granulated material from forming lumps.
- Anticondensation- Designed to prevent the formation of condensation.
- Antiplaque- Designed to prevent the formation of dental plaque.
- Antipollution- Intended to reduce or control pollution.
- Antidiarrheal- A substance that helps to stop diarrhea.
- Anticoagulant- Substance that prevents the coagulation of blood.
- Anticollision- Designed to prevent or reduce the risk of collision.
- Antiderivative- A function whose derivative is a given function.
- Antihaft- Preventing adherence of substances to surfaces.
- Antichafing- Designed to prevent irritation from rubbing.
- Antiexposure- Designed to protect against exposure, especially to environmental hazards.
- Antivenom- A serum containing antitoxins specific to the venom of a particular animal.
- Antipoaching- Actions conducted to prevent illegal hunting or capturing of wild animals.
- Anticatarrhal- Preventing inflammation of the mucous membranes.
- Antilymphoma- Effective against lymphoma (a type of cancer).
- Anticough- Designed to suppress coughing.
- Antidrawn- Counteracting the effects of drawing or tensing.
- Antisnob- Opposed to or deriding snobbery.
- Antiobscenity- Opposed to or censoring obscene material.
- Antipruritic- Preventing or relieving itching.
- Antiparasitic- Intended to expel or inhibit parasites.
- Antiprison- Opposed to the use or construction of prison facilities.
- Antitalk- Designed to prevent or reduce talking, often for reasons of secrecy or security.
- Antiteammate- Opposed to cooperation or integration within a team.
- Antiirritant- Substances used to reduce irritation.
- Antivertigonous- Intended to prevent or alleviate vertigo.
- Antispill- Designed to prevent spilling.
- Antishock- Intended to prevent or alleviate shock.
- Antimodel- Opposed to traditional or conventional modeling in art or science.
- Antimimicry- Opposed to the imitation or replication of others’ work or behavior.
- Antidoteless- Lacking a remedy or cure.
- Antiopacity- Making something less opaque.
- Antichlor- A substance that neutralizes the effects of chlorine.
- Antidazzle- Designed to reduce glare or bright light that blinds or dazzles.
- Anticrime- Designed to prevent or reduce crime.
- Antisexist- Opposing sexism or gender discrimination.