Discover a variety of Spanish words that begin with the letter ‘h’ and expand your vocabulary with these intriguing terms.
- Haber- to have
- Hablar- to talk
- Hacer- to do, make
- Hallar- to find
- Hamaca- hammock
- Hambre- hunger
- Harina- flour
- Harto- fed up
- Helado- ice cream
- Héroe- hero
- Herramienta- tool
- Hierro- iron
- Higo- fig
- Hijastro- stepson
- Hijo- son
- Hija- daughter
- Hilar- to spin
- Himalaya- Himalaya
- Himno- hymn
- Hinojo- fennel
- Hipopótamo- hippopotamus
- Historia- history
- Hobo- a type of bean
- Hoja- leaf
- Hola- hello
- Holgazán- lazy
- Hombre- man
- Hombro- shoulder
- Honda- sling
- Hongo- mushroom
- Honor- honor
- Hora- hour
- Horario- schedule
- Horizonte- horizon
- Hormiga- ant
- Hospital- hospital
- Hostil- hostile
- Hotel- hotel
- Hoyo- hole
- Huérfano- orphan
- Huerta- orchard
- Huevo- egg
- Huésped- guest
- Huir- to flee
- Humano- human
- Humedad- humidity
- Humilde- humble
- Humo- smoke
- Humor- mood/humor
- Huracán- hurricane
- Hurto- theft
- Huso- spindle