Words That Start With Dis: Expand Your Vocabulary Easily

Discover the versatility of the prefix “dis-” as we list words starting with it and discuss their meanings and uses.

  1. Disagree- To have a different opinion.
  2. Disappear- To cease being visible.
  3. Disapprove- To have an unfavorable opinion.
  4. Disarm- To take weapons away.
  5. Disarray- A state of disorder.
  6. Disaster- A sudden catastrophic event causing significant distress.
  7. Disavow- To deny responsibility for.
  8. Disband- To break up or dissolve an organization.
  9. Discard- To throw away or reject.
  10. Discharge- To release or let go.
  11. Discipline- Training to improve strength or self-control.
  12. Disclaim- To deny a claim or connection.
  13. Disclose- To reveal or make known.
  14. Discomfort- A feeling of unease or pain.
  15. Discontinue- To end or stop.
  16. Discord- Lack of agreement or harmony.
  17. Discover- To find something for the first time.
  18. Discredit- To harm the reputation or respect for someone.
  19. Discriminate- To unjustly make a distinction in the treatment of different categories of people.
  20. Discuss- To talk about something with someone.
  21. Disdain- To regard with scorn or contempt.
  22. Disease- A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant.
  23. Disguise- To change one’s appearance to conceal identity.
  24. Disgust- A strong sense of displeasure or revulsion.
  25. Dishonor- A state of shame or disgrace.
  26. Disillusion- To free from or deprive of illusion.
  27. Disinfect- To clean something, especially to destroy germs.
  28. Disincline- To make someone unwilling or averse.
  29. Disingenuous- Not truly honest or sincere.
  30. Disinherit- To deprive of a legal inheritance.
  31. Disintegrate- To break into parts or components or lose cohesion.
  32. Disinterest- Lack of interest or concern.
  33. Disjointed- Lacking a coherent sequence or connection.
  34. Dislike- To find unpleasant or unenjoyable.
  35. Dislocate- To disturb the placement or position of.
  36. Dislodge- To remove forcibly; to force out of a secure or settled position.
  37. Dismal- Depressing; dreary.
  38. Dismantle- To take a structure to pieces.
  39. Dismay- To cause someone to feel distress or shock.
  40. Dismiss- To direct an individual to leave or consider as unworthy of consideration.
  41. Disobey- To refuse to follow orders or rules.
  42. Disorder- A state of confusion.
  43. Disorient- To make someone lose their sense of direction.
  44. Disown- To renounce any claim to, or association with.
  45. Disparage- To belittle or degrade someone or something.
  46. Dispatch- To send off to a destination or for a purpose.
  47. Dispel- To drive away or scatter.
  48. Dispense- To distribute or provide a service or information.
  49. Disperse- To distribute widely or cause to vanish.
  50. Displace- To move something from its usual place.
  51. Display- To show or exhibit something.
  52. Displease- To cause to be annoyed or upset.
  53. Disposal- The act of getting rid of something.
  54. Dispose- To arrange or be inclined towards.
  55. Disprove- To show that something is not true.
  56. Dispute- A disagreement, argument, or debate.
  57. Disqualify- To declare someone unfit for a position or activity.
  58. Disquiet- A feeling of anxiety or worry.
  59. Disregard- To pay no attention or too little attention to.
  60. Disrespect- To show a lack of respect or courtesy.
  61. Disrupt- To interrupt or cause confusion in.
  62. Dissatisfy- To fail to satisfy.
  63. Dissect- To cut apart for examination.
  64. Dissemble- To disguise or conceal one’s true motives, feelings, or beliefs.
  65. Disseminate- To spread widely, especially information.
  66. Dissent- To hold or express opinions that are at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially expressed.
  67. Disservice- A harmful action.
  68. Dissipate- To disperse or scatter.
  69. Dissociate- To disconnect or separate.
  70. Dissolve- To cause to go into a solution.
  71. Dissuade- To persuade not to do something.
  72. Distaste- Mild dislike or aversion.
  73. Distend- To enlarge from internal pressure.
  74. Distill- To purify a liquid by vaporizing it, then condensing it by cooling the vapor, and collecting the resulting liquid.
  75. Distinguish- To recognize or treat someone or something as different.
  76. Distort- To twist out of the true meaning or proportion.
  77. Distract- To draw someone’s attention away from something.
  78. Distress- Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.
  79. Distribute- To divide among several or many.
  80. District- A defined area or region within a country or city.
  81. Distrust- Doubt about someone’s honesty or reliability.
  82. Disturb- To interfere with; to interrupt.
  83. Disunite- To cause to move apart or split.
  84. Disuse- The state of not being used.
  85. Disvalue- To regard as having little or no value; to undervalue.
  86. Disyllable- A word consisting of two syllables.
  87. Disinheritance- Exclusion from inheritance.
  88. Disjunction- A lack or cessation of connection or relation.
  89. Disaccord- Lack of agreement or harmony.
  90. Discept- To debate or arbitrate.
  91. Discern- To detect with senses other than vision.
  92. Discomfit- To make someone feel uneasy or embarrassed.
  93. Discommode- To cause inconvenience to.
  94. Discompose- To disturb the composure of; upset.
  95. Disconcert- To unsettle or confuse someone.
  96. Discontinue- To halt an activity; to stop.
  97. Discourtesy- Rude and discourteous behavior.
  98. Discovery- The act of finding something unexpected or previously unknown.
  99. Discriminatory- Showing bias; unfair.
  100. Disinclination- A lack of enthusiasm or willingness.