Discover a variety of five-letter words that begin with the prefix “co” to enhance your vocabulary or aid in word games.
- Coral- hard, colorful material made by small sea creatures
- Cords- ropes or thick strings
- Corgi- breed of dog
- Corny- cheesy or overly sentimental
- Cough- expel air from the lungs suddenly and noisily
- Covet- desire to possess something that belongs to another
- Coven- a group or gathering of witches
- Cover- to place something over or upon, as for protection
- Codec- a device or program that compresses or decompresses digital data
- Codex- an ancient manuscript text in book form
- Cooed- made a soft murmuring sound
- Cooky- cookie
- Cools- becomes or makes cool or cooler
- Coops- small cages or enclosures for keeping poultry
- Coots- a type of water bird
- Copay- a payment made by a beneficiary in addition to that made by an insurer
- Coral- a rock-like material formed by the skeletons of marine polyps
- Cored- removed the core of something
- Corer- a device for removing the core of fruit
- Corgi- a small, sprightly breed of dog
- Corks- stops for the openings of containers
- Corns- small, thickened areas on the skin
- Cornu- hornlike anatomical structure
- Corps- a main subdivision of an armed force in the field
- Corse- variant of corpse, dead body
- Costa- a riblike part of an animal or structure
- Coted- observed or noted
- Cotta- a short surplice worn by clerics
- Cotta- a long medieval cloak
- Coves- small coastal inlets or bays
- Coved- constructed in a concave shape
- Cower- crouch down in fear
- Cowed- intimidated
- Cowry- a type of tropical marine mollusk with a glossy shell
- Coxal- relating to the hip or hip joint
- Coxed- steered a rowboat or racing boat
- Cozes- cozy places or situations
- Coyed- acted shyly or modestly
- Coypu- a large, aquatic South American rodent
- Cozen- deceive or trick
- Cozes- chats or talks in an intimate manner
- Coyed- became shy or modest
- Cozen- trick or deceive
- Copal- a resin used in varnishes
- Copra- dried coconut meat for extracting oil
- Copse- a small group of trees
- Coped- managed effectively despite difficulties
- Copse- a thicket of small trees or bushes
- Copal- a type of resin used to make varnish
- Copra- dried kernels of coconut from which oil is obtained
- Copay- a payment defined in an insurance policy
- Corms- underground plant stems
- Corno- a brass wind instrument
- Corps- a branch of military service
- Corso- an Italian street or boulevard
- Costa- the main rib of a feather
- Costs- the amounts paid or charged for something
- Coted- marked or noted
- Cotta- a garment worn by clergy
- Cotes- shelters for animals
- Colic- severe abdominal pain
- Colon- a punctuation mark (:)
- Comic- funny or amusing
- Comma- punctuation mark indicating a pause
- Compo- composite material
- Compt- calculated or reckoned
- Condo- a condominium
- Conch- a type of sea snail
- Conto- a financial term in some countries
- Cooks- prepares food by heating
- Coopt- to appoint summarily or by force
- Cooze- a disparaging term for a woman
- Coped- managed or dealt with difficulties
- Copse- a small group of trees
- Copsy- resembling a copse
- Coral- a hard, stony substance made by marine organisms
- Cords- multiple line-like objects
- Corer- a device for coring
- Corgi- a type of small dog
- Corps- a group of persons acting together
- Corse- an old term for dead body
- Corsa- alternate term for an Italian rally
- Corte- an old term for court
- Cotes- small shelters for birds or mammals
- Couch- a long upholstered piece of furniture for multiple people to sit
- Cough- to expel air and particles from the lungs
- Could- past tense of can
- Court- a place where legal trials are held
- Coude- bent elbow
- Counts- enumerates or lists
- Coups- sudden, violent, and illegal seizures of power
- Count- to enumerate items
- Court- a place for legal proceedings
- Couth- cultured, refined, and well mannered
- Covar- to cover over
- Covey- a small flock of birds
- Covin- fraud or deceit among several persons
- Cowal- a district in Scotland
- Cowan- a common surname
- Coypu- a large aquatic rodent