Discover the variety of Spanish words that start with the letter ‘C’ and expand your vocabulary effectively.
- Casa- house
- Coche- car
- Calle- street
- Caballo- horse
- Correr- to run
- Comer- to eat
- Cama- bed
- Ciudad- city
- Cielo- sky
- Comida- food
- Cuerpo- body
- Cara- face
- Color- color
- Ciclo- cycle
- Cine- cinema
- Cuadro- picture, frame
- Cuaderno- notebook
- Clase- class
- Clima- climate
- Cuchillo- knife
- Cuchara- spoon
- Cerveza- beer
- Cocina- kitchen, cuisine
- Cuarto- room
- Camino- path, way
- Camiseta- t-shirt
- Calcetín- sock
- Cuello- neck
- Caldera- boiler
- Calor- heat
- Frío- cold
- Canto- song, chant
- Catedral- cathedral
- Campana- bell
- Caja- box
- Cerradura- lock
- Código- code
- Café- coffee
- Calendario- calendar
- Carne- meat
- Cara- face
- Criatura- creature
- Copia- copy
- Concurso- contest
- Cuento- story, tale
- Ciudadano- citizen
- Cerebro- brain
- Corazón- heart
- Conjunto- ensemble, set
- Cometa- kite, comet
- Compañía- company
- Campeón- champion
- Cebra- zebra
- Cemento- cement
- Cerca- close, fence
- Cielo- heaven, sky
- Cima- summit
- Cita- date, appointment
- Cisne- swan
- Cerdo- pig
- Cuerno- horn
- Contestar- to answer
- Crear- to create
- Cortar- to cut
- Correo- mail
- Cuota- quota, fee
- Crimen- crime
- Crisis- crisis
- Crítica- criticism
- Curva- curve
- Cuevas- caves
- Cuento- story
- Cuadro- painting
- Cubrir- to cover
- Cantar- to sing
- Caer- to fall
- Colina- hill
- Collar- necklace
- Colchón- mattress
- Comprobar- to verify
- Compromiso- commitment, engagement
- Conducir- to drive
- Confianza- trust, confidence
- Conocer- to know
- Conservar- to conserve, preserve
- Contener- to contain
- Continuar- to continue
- Convencer- to convince
- Convivir- to coexist
- Copiar- to copy
- Corregir- to correct
- Costumbre- custom, habit
- Creencia- belief
- Crucero- cruise
- Cubierto- covered, cutlery
- Cuidado- care, caution
- Culpa- fault, blame
- Cumplir- to fulfill, comply
- Curioso- curious
- Cursar- to study, to take a course