In this article, you’ll learn how the letter ‘j’ is used in Spanish, including its pronunciation and common examples.
- Jabalí- Wild boar
- Jabón- Soap
- Jácara- A lively, festive song
- Jacarandá- Jacaranda, a flowering tree
- Jactancia- Boasting
- Jade- Jade (the mineral)
- Jalar- To pull
- Jalón- Tug or pull
- Jamás- Never
- Jamba- Doorjamb
- Jambalaya- Jambalaya, a Creole dish of rice with shrimp, chicken, etc.
- Jamón- Ham
- Jaque- Check (in chess)
- Jaqueca- Migraine
- Jarabe- Syrup
- Jardín- Garden
- Jareta- Drawstring
- Jarra- Jug
- Jasmine- Jasmine
- Jaula- Cage
- Jaunty- Jaunty (borrowed from English, casual)
- Jazz- Jazz
- Jeans- Jeans (borrowed from English)
- Jeque- Sheikh
- Jeringa- Syringe
- Jeroglífico- Hieroglyphic
- Jersey- Sweater
- Jesuita- Jesuit
- Jet- Jet (aircraft)
- Jibia- Cuttlefish
- Jícama- Jicama (Mexican turnip)
- Jícara- Small bowl, typically for drinking chocolate
- Jilguero- Goldfinch
- Jimnasia- Gymnastics
- Jinete- Rider, horseman
- Jirafa- Giraffe
- Jitomate- Tomato (in Mexico)
- Joaquín- Joaquin (male name)
- Jockey- Jockey
- Jogging- Jogging (borrowed from English)
- Joroba- Hump
- Jornada- Day’s work, journey
- Jorobado- Hunchback
- José- Joseph (male name)
- Joséfa- Josepha (female name)
- Jota- Jota (a Spanish dance)
- Joya- Jewel
- Joyería- Jewelry shop
- Júbilo- Joy
- Judía- Bean or Jewish (female)
- Judío- Jewish (male)
- Juego- Game or play
- Jueves- Thursday
- Jugador- Player
- Jugar- To play
- Juglar- Minstrel, entertainer
- Jugo- Juice
- Juguetón- Playful
- Juguetes- Toys
- Juicio- Judgment, trial
- Juicioso- Wise, prudent
- Juliano- Julian
- Juliana- Julienne (style of cutting)
- Julio- July
- Jumbo- Jumbo (large)
- Jumping- Jumping (borrowed from English)
- Jungla- Jungle
- Junior- Junior (younger, borrowed from English)
- Junta- Board or meeting
- Junto- Together
- Júpiter- Jupiter
- Jurado- Jury or sworn
- Jurel- Yellowtail (fish)
- Jurídico- Legal
- Jurista- Jurist, legal expert
- Justicia- Justice
- Justiciero- Vigilante, righteous
- Justo- Fair, just
- Juventud- Youth
- Juzgado- Courthouse
- Juzgar- To judge