Discover a variety of science words that start with the letter ‘J’ to expand your vocabulary and deepen your understanding of scientific concepts.
- Joule- A unit of energy in the International System of Units.
- Jurassic- Pertaining to the period of the Mesozoic era, characterized by the dominance of dinosaurs.
- Jupiter- The largest planet in our solar system, known for its size and a prominent system of rings.
- Jejunum- The part of the small intestine between the duodenum and ileum.
- Juxtaposition- Placing two elements close together for comparative or contrasting effect.
- Jacobian- A matrix of all first-order partial derivatives of a vector-valued function.
- Jansky- A unit of spectral flux density used in radio astronomy.
- Jet Stream- Strong, narrow air currents found in the atmospheres of some planets, including Earth.
- Jovian- Relating to the planet Jupiter or resembling Jupiter.
- Joule’s Law- A physical law expressing the relationship between the heat produced by the flow of electric current through a conductor.
- Junction- A point where two things are joined, also used in terms of neurons or technology.
- Jolt- A sudden movement or surge of electricity.
- Jurassic Extinction Event- A major geologic event marking the end of the Jurassic period.
- Jadeite- A mineral, typically green, used both in geological and gemological contexts.
- Jökulhlaup- A glacial outburst flood caused by the melting of ice or dam failure.
- Jangly- Describing a sound or mechanical process that is typically discordant or metallic.
- Jigger- A scientific instrument, often used in chemistry for measurement.
- Job’s Tears- A type of grass known scientifically as *Coix lacryma-jobi*, also studied in plant science.
- Joule- Thomson Effect** – A temperature change in a real gas when it is forced through a valve while kept insulated so that no heat is exchanged with the environment.
- Johnston’s Organ- A sensory structure located in the second antennal segment of certain insects.
- Jorullo- A volcanic structure, named after the Parícutin’s predecessor, the Jorullo volcano in Mexico.
- Junco- A genus of small grayish American sparrows, often subjects of ornithological studies.
- Juxtapapillary- Located adjacent to the papilla, especially in medical or optical contexts.
- Jadeitite- A rock composed almost entirely of jadeite, found in metamorphic rocks.
This list encompasses a range of scientific words starting with the letter J, from physics and astronomy to biology and geology.