Kn Words: Learn How to Pronounce and Use Them Effectively

Discover the unique characteristics and common uses of words that start with “kn,” such as “knight,” “knack,” and “knit.

  1. Knack- a special talent or skill.
  2. Knacker- a person who slaughters worn-out livestock.
  3. Knapsack- a type of backpack.
  4. Knaidel- a type of dumpling (also known as kneidel).
  5. Knar- a knot or growth on a tree.
  6. Knave- an untrustworthy or dishonest man.
  7. Knead- to work dough with the hands.
  8. Knee- the joint between the thigh and the lower leg.
  9. Kneecap- the flat, rounded bone at the front of the knee joint.
  10. Kneel- to go down or rest on the knees.
  11. Kneepad- protective padding worn on the knees.
  12. Kneepan- another term for kneecap.
  13. Knell- the sound of a bell rung slowly to mark a death or funeral.
  14. Knickerbockers- loose-fitting trousers gathered at the knee or calf.
  15. Knife- a utensil or tool with a sharp blade used to cut things.
  16. Knight- a man granted honorary title of knighthood by a monarch.
  17. Knit- to make fabric by interlacing yarn with needles.
  18. Knitter- a person who knits.
  19. Knitting- the action or skill of knitting.
  20. Knitwear- clothing made from knitted fabric.
  21. Knob- a round handle or a small, round object on a door or drawer.
  22. Knobble- a small knob.
  23. Knock- to hit something, typically a door, to capture attention.
  24. Knocker- a hinged fixture on a door for knocking.
  25. Knockout- an act of knocking out, especially in boxing.
  26. Knoll- a small hill or mound.
  27. Knot- a fastening made by tying a piece of string, rope, or something similar.
  28. Knothole- a hole in a piece of wood where a knot has fallen out.
  29. Know- to be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.
  30. Knower- a person who knows something.
  31. Knowing- showing or suggesting that one has knowledge or awareness.
  32. Knowledge- facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education.
  33. Known- recognized, familiar, or within the scope of knowledge.
  34. Knuckle- a part of a finger at a joint where the bone is near the surface.
  35. Knur- a small, hard lump or node, similar to a knar.
  36. Knurl- to provide an object with a rough, diamond-patterned surface, improving grip.
  37. Knurled- having a knurled pattern or surface.

These are some of the primary words and their meanings that utilize the “kn” sound and spelling in English.

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