Discover a wide selection of five-letter words that end with the letter ‘e’ to enhance your vocabulary and word game skills.
- Abide- to follow a rule or decision.
- Agape- wide open, especially with surprise.
- Amuse- to entertain or delight.
- Angle- a corner where two lines meet.
- Anode- a positive electrode in an electrical device.
- Arose- past of arise, to get up.
- Blame- to hold responsible.
- Brace- support or strengthen.
- Brose- a type of Scottish porridge.
- Chafe- to rub and irritate the skin.
- Chime- a melodious ringing sound.
- Chose- past tense of choose.
- Close- to shut something.
- Crude- raw or in an unrefined state.
- Drive- to operate and control a vehicle.
- Elude- to evade or escape.
- False- not true or correct.
- Fiche- a microfilm sheet.
- Flame- a hot glowing body of ignited gas.
- Flare- to burn with a sudden intensity.
- Frame- a rigid structure that supports something.
- Glare- a fierce or angry stare.
- Grace- simple elegance or refinement.
- Guide- to assist someone directionally.
- Horse- a large, solid-hoofed animal.
- House- a building for human habitation.
- Inane- silly or stupid.
- Inure- to become used to something undesirable.
- Lance- a weapon with a long shaft.
- Lapse- a temporary failure or slip.
- Large- of considerable size.
- Lease- a contract for the use of property.
- Leave- to go away from.
- Louse- a small parasitic insect.
- Maple- a type of tree or its wood.
- Mouse- a small rodent.
- Nerve- a bundle of fibers transmitting impulses.
- Ochre- an earthy pigment.
- Olive- a small oval fruit.
- Ounce- a unit of weight.
- Pause- a temporary stop.
- Peace- freedom from disturbance.
- Phone- a device to transmit voices.
- Place- a particular position or point.
- Plane- a flat surface or level.
- Plume- a long, soft feather.
- Price- the amount of money expected for something.
- Pride- a feeling of self-esteem.
- Pulse- a rhythmic beating.
- Purse- a small bag used to carry money.
- Quake- to shake or tremble.
- Quote- to repeat words from another source.
- Range- the area of variation.
- Rouse- to awaken or excite.
- Sauce- a liquid addition to food for flavor.
- Scale- a system of ordered marks.
- Scope- the extent of the area or subject.
- Share- a portion of a larger amount.
- Shire- a British county.
- Shove- to push roughly.
- Since- from a past time until now.
- Slice- a thin, broad piece cut from something.
- Smoke- the visible vapor from burning.
- Snake- a long, legless reptile.
- Space- a continuous area or expanse.
- Spade- a tool for digging.
- Spine- the backbone.
- Spite- a desire to hurt or offend.
- Stage- a point, period, or step in a process.
- Stare- to look fixedly.
- State- the condition of something at a time.
- Stone- a small piece of rock.
- Stove- an appliance for cooking.
- Style- a manner of doing something.
- Suave- smoothly agreeable and polite.
- Table- a piece of furniture with a flat top.
- Taste- the sensation of flavor.
- Theme- a subject or topic.
- There- in that place.
- Thine- yours (archaic or poetic form).
- Thyme- an herb used for seasoning.
- Tinge- a slight trace of color.
- Trace- a mark or line left by something.
- Tribe- a group of people sharing a culture.
- Truce- a pause in fighting.
- Twine- a strong thread or string.
- Usage- the action of using something.
- Value- the worth of something.
- Voice- sound produced in a person’s larynx.
- Waste- use or expend carelessly.
- Water- a clear liquid essential for life.
- White- the color of milk or fresh snow.
- Whole- all of; entire.
- Wince- to flinch in pain or distress.
- Write- to form letters or words.
- Wrote- past tense of write.
- Yacht- a medium-sized sailing boat.
- Yield- to produce or provide.
- You’ve- contraction of “you have.”
- Zecke- a tick (type of arachnid).