In this article, you will find an extensive list of words that start with “super.
- Superabound- To be very plentiful or abundant.
- Superabundant- More than sufficient; excessive.
- Superachiever- A person who achieves more than the average.
- Superadd- To add excessively or additionally.
- Superb- Excellent or impressively splendid.
- Superbomb- An extremely powerful bomb.
- Supercede- To take the place of something; replace.
- Superego- The part of a person’s mind that acts as a self-critical conscience.
- Superelastic- Exhibiting extreme elasticity.
- Superfamily- A taxonomic category above family and below order.
- Superfine- Of the highest quality.
- Superfit- Extremely fit and healthy.
- Superfluid- A phase of matter with zero viscosity.
- Superfund- A fund created to finance the cleanup of toxic waste.
- Supergiant- A very large star that is even more massive than a giant star.
- Superglue- An exceedingly strong adhesive.
- Superhighway- A broad multilane highway.
- Superhuman- Above or beyond what is human.
- Superimpose- To place or lay over another object.
- Superimportant- Exceedingly important.
- Superinduce- To bring on in addition to what is already present.
- Superintend- To oversee and direct.
- Superintendent- A person who manages or superintends an organization or activity.
- Superior- Higher in rank, quality, or importance.
- Superiority- The state of being superior.
- Superiorly- In a superior manner.
- Superjudge- A judge of a higher rank or superior in judgment.
- Superlative- Of the highest quality or degree.
- Superlike- To like exceedingly.
- Superluminous- More luminous than something else.
- Superman- A man with extraordinary or superhuman powers.
- Supermarket- A large, self-service retail store selling groceries and various other goods.
- Supermassive- Extremely large in mass.
- Supermen- Plural form of superman.
- Supermodel- A highly successful and famous fashion model.
- Supernatural- Beyond the ordinary course of nature.
- Supernova- A stellar explosion that produces an extremely bright object.
- Superorder- A taxonomic category above order and below class.
- Superordinate- Superior in rank.
- Superoxide- A compound containing an oxygen molecule with an extra electron.
- Superpatriotic- Extremely patriotic.
- Superphenomenal- Exceeding the usual limits of experience.
- Superphosphate- A highly concentrated type of phosphate fertilizer.
- Superplastic- Extremely malleable and capable of great deformation.
- Superpose- To place on or above something else.
- Superscale- Above normal scale.
- Superscribe- To write (something) at the top or outside of an envelope or document.
- Superscription- The act of superscribing.
- Superscript- A character written above the line of text.
- Supersede- To replace in power, authority, or effectiveness.
- Supersonic- Faster than the speed of sound.
- Superspecial- Exceptionally special.
- Superstition- A belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, or trust in magic.
- Superstitious- Having faith in superstition.
- Superstore- A very large store that offers a wide variety of goods.
- Superstar- A star performer or celebrity.
- Superstructure- The part of a building above the foundation.
- Supersubtle- Extremely subtle.
- Supersymmetric- Having symmetrical properties beyond the classical ones observed.
- Superteach- To teach exceedingly well.
- Supersedure- The act of superseding.
- Superthrive- To thrive exceptionally well.
- Supervene- To occur or happen unexpectedly.
- Supervention- The act of supervening.
- Superhero- A hero possessing extraordinary, often superhuman, powers.
- Superheat- To heat to above the boiling point without turning to vapor.
- Superinstitute- To institute or establish additionally.
- Superpower- A very powerful and influential nation.
- Superterminal- Exceeding usual terminal dimensions.
- Superabsorbent- Extremely absorbent.
- Supercilious- Behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others.
- Supercritical- Beyond the critical point; highly decisive.
- Superfluidity- The property of flowing without friction.
- Superception- Supernatural perception.
- Superflex- Extremely flexible.
- Superrace- A race considered superior to others.
- Superfastidious- Extremely meticulous or demanding.
- Supercharacter- An exceptional character.
- Superchemical- A chemical used in one of the most advanced ways.
- Supercomputation- Extreme level of computation.
- Superefficient- Extremely efficient.
- Superpowered- Endowed with exceptional powers.
- Superrefined- Highly refined.
- Superluxurious- Extremely luxurious.
- Superintensive- Extremely intensive.
- Superperfect- Flawless; absolutely perfect.
- Superchilled- Extremely cold.
- Superjurisdiction- Overlapping or extensive jurisdiction.
- Superhumane- Showing exceptional compassion.
- Superadaptable- Highly adaptable.
- Superelite- Extremely elite.
- Superingenious- Extremely clever or inventive.
- Superproficient- Highly skilled or knowledgeable.
- Superresistant- Extremely resistant.
- Supersympathetic- Highly sympathetic.
- Superspectacular- Exceptionally spectacular.
- Superdeterministic- Deterministic to an extreme degree.
- Supercomparable- Highly comparable
- Superstructural- Related to superstructure
- Supercreational- Exceptionally creative.