Discover a comprehensive list of five-letter words that start with ‘p’ and end with ‘e’.
- Peace: Freedom from disturbance; tranquility.
- Place: A particular position or point in space.
- Pause: A temporary stop in action or speech.
- Prune: A dried plum.
- Prose: Written or spoken language in its ordinary form.
- Pique: A feeling of irritation or resentment.
- Plane: A flat surface; an airplane.
- Puree: A smooth, creamy substance made of crushed food.
- Plume: A long, soft feather or arrangement of feathers.
- Paste: A thick, soft, moist substance.
- Prove: Demonstrate the truth or existence of something.
- Prime: Of the best possible quality.
- Poise: Graceful and elegant bearing.
- Pette: To pamper or spoil.
- Pegue: An unlikely event or situation.
- Pancle: To germinate or sprout.
- Prece: Short for preacher.
- Peste: An old term for plague.
- Paree: Variant of parry, to evade or dodge.
- Parce: Archaic term meaning to distribute.
- Perce: A rare term meaning to pierce or penetrate.
- Posse: A group of people with a common interest.
- Platte: A flat, broad land or dish.
- Pulse: A rhythmic throbbing of arteries as blood is propelled.
- Plage: A beach or shore.
- Poeme: Archaic spelling of poem.
- Prase: A type of green quartz.
- Pride: A feeling of deep pleasure from achievements.
- Plate: A dish on which food is served.
- Phase: A distinct period in a process of change.
- Prole: A member of the working class.
- Pawle: Archaic form of ‘pawl,’ part of machinery.
- Plute: Slang for a plutocrat, wealthy person.
- Perle: An old term for pearl.
- Prene: Dialect term meaning to preen or groom.