Looking for words that start with “pr”? You’ll find a comprehensive list right here.
- Praiseworthy- deserving approval and admiration.
- Prairie- a large open area of grassland.
- Prance- to move with high, springy steps.
- Prankster- a person who plays tricks or practical jokes.
- Prayer- a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship.
- Preach- to deliver a sermon or religious address.
- Precede- to come before something in time.
- Precise- marked by exactness and accuracy.
- Predict- to say that something will happen in the future.
- Preface- an introduction to a book, typically stating its subject, scope, or aims.
- Prefer- to like one thing better than another.
- Prefix- a word, letter, or number placed before another.
- Preheat- to heat something beforehand.
- Premise- an assertion or proposition which forms the basis for a work or theory.
- Prepare- to make ready for use.
- Preschool- an educational establishment offering early childhood education.
- Presence- the state of being present.
- Present- existing or occurring now.
- Preserve- to maintain something in its original state.
- Press- to apply pressure.
- Prestige- respect and admiration felt for someone or something.
- Pretty- attractive in a delicate way.
- Prevail- to prove more powerful or superior.
- Prevent- to stop something from happening.
- Previous- existing or occurring before in time.
- Prickly- covered in prickles.
- Pride- a feeling of deep satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements.
- Primary- of chief importance; principal.
- Prime- of first importance; main.
- Primitive- being in an early stage of development.
- Principal- first in order of importance.
- Principle- a fundamental truth or proposition.
- Print- to produce books, newspapers, etc., by applying ink to paper.
- Prior- existing or coming before in time.
- Prison- a place for the confinement of people accused or convicted of a crime.
- Privilege- a special right or advantage.
- Prize- an award for victory or superiority.
- Problem- a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome.
- Proceed- to begin or continue an action.
- Process- a series of actions or steps taken to achieve an end.
- Proclaim- to announce officially.
- Produce- to make or manufacture from components.
- Product- an article or substance that is manufactured or refined.
- Professional- engaged in a specified activity as one’s main paid occupation.
- Profound- very great or intense.
- Program- a planned series of future events or performances.
- Prohibit- to formally forbid something.
- Project- an individual or collaborative enterprise.
- Prologue- a separate introductory section of a literary work.
- Promote- to advance or raise to a higher position.
- Proof- evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth.
- Proper- suitable or appropriate.
- Property- a thing or things belonging to someone.
- Prophecy- a prediction.
- Propose- to put forward for consideration.
- Prospect- the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring.
- Prosper- to succeed in material terms.
- Protect- to keep safe from harm.
- Protein- a nutrient essential for growth and repair.
- Protest- a statement or action expressing disapproval.
- Proud- feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction due to achievements.
- Prove- to demonstrate the truth or existence of something.
- Provide- to make available for use.
- Province- a principal administrative division of certain countries.
- Provision- the action of providing or supplying something.
- Provoke- to stimulate or give rise to a reaction.
- Prudence- the quality of being cautious.
- Prudent- acting with or showing care and thought.
- Prune- to trim a tree, shrub, or bush.
- Pry- to inquire too closely into someone’s private affairs.
- Practical- concerned with the actual doing or use of something.
- Practice- the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method.
- Practitioner- a person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession.
- Praise- express warm approval or admiration.
- Predictable- able to be predicted.
- Premature- occurring or done before the usual or proper time.
- Prevalent- widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.
- Prefixes- letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.
- Pristine- in its original condition.
- Prejudice- preconceived opinion not based on reason or actual experience.
- Prick- to make a small hole with a sharp point.
- Privacy- the state of being free from public attention.
- Primarily- for the most part.
- Prioritize- to arrange in order of importance.
- Principle- a rule or belief governing behavior.
- Procure- to obtain something, especially with effort.
- Prolong- to extend the duration of.
- Promise- a declaration that one will do something.
- Prose- written or spoken language in its ordinary form.
- Proximity- nearness in space, time, or relationship.
- Propensity- an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way.
- Propagate- to spread and promote an idea or theory.
- Prospectus- a printed document that advertises or describes a school, commercial enterprise, etc.
- Prototype- a first model of something from which other forms are developed.
- Proverb- a short, well-known pithy saying.
- Providence- the protective care of God or nature.
- Psychological- relating to the mind or mental processes.
- Prototype- the first, original, or typical instance of something.
- Provident- making or indicative of timely preparation for the future.
- Prurient- having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters.