Discover a comprehensive list of words containing “aud” and learn their meanings to enhance your vocabulary.
- Audacious- bold, daring, or fearless.
- Audible- hearable, detectable by the ear.
- Audience- group of listeners or spectators.
- Audiology- study of hearing disorders.
- Auditory- relating to hearing or the sense of hearing.
- Audition- performance to showcase skill, usually for a role.
- Auditorium- large room for public gatherings or performances.
- Audiobook- recorded reading of a book.
- Audio- sound, especially recorded or transmitted.
- Audiovisual- involving both hearing and sight.
- Auditory nerve- nerve that transmits sound signals to the brain.
- Auditionee- a person who auditions for a role.
- Audile- relating to hearing.
- Audiotape- magnetic tape for recording sound.
- Audibility- quality of being heard.
- Audibly- in a way that can be heard.
- Audiophile- person enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction.
- Auditory cortex- part of the brain that processes sound.
- Audion- early vacuum tube for amplifying sound.
- Audivision- combining audio and visual elements.