B Words in Spanish: Common Terms and Their Meanings

If you’re looking to expand your Spanish vocabulary with words that start with “B”, this article provides a comprehensive list to boost your language skills.

  1. bebé- baby
  2. bailar- to dance
  3. balón- ball
  4. bandera- flag
  5. baño- bathroom
  6. barco- boat
  7. barato- cheap
  8. bosque- forest
  9. boca- mouth
  10. brazo- arm
  11. bruja- witch
  12. bonito- pretty
  13. besar- to kiss
  14. bicicleta- bicycle
  15. bodega- warehouse/wine cellar
  16. bilingüe- bilingual
  17. barba- beard
  18. billetera- wallet
  19. buscar- to search
  20. bien- well
  21. basura- trash
  22. biblioteca- library
  23. blanco- white
  24. bolso- bag
  25. bosquejo- sketch
  26. broche- brooch
  27. bufanda- scarf
  28. botón- button
  29. bronce- bronze
  30. burro- donkey
  31. bulto- lump
  32. buzón- mailbox
  33. buitre- vulture
  34. burbuja- bubble
  35. bonito- pretty
  36. brazalete- bracelet
  37. brindar- to toast
  38. borde- edge
  39. belleza- beauty
  40. brecha- gap
  41. bigote- mustache
  42. bloque- block
  43. burla- mockery
  44. bucle- loop
  45. barajar- to shuffle
  46. binario- binary
  47. bisiesto- leap year
  48. brillo- shine
  49. broma- joke
  50. bando- side/faction
  51. barrer- to sweep
  52. brindar- to offer
  53. bendecir- to bless
  54. boletín- bulletin
  55. baluarte- bastion
  56. borroso- blurry
  57. banco- bench/bank
  58. basar- to base (on)
  59. bastón- cane
  60. brindar- to provide
  61. bromista- joker
  62. bocado- bite
  63. ballet- ballet
  64. bloqueado- blocked
  65. barranco- ravine
  66. bocina- horn
  67. bárbaro- barbarian
  68. bordar- to embroider
  69. bastidor- frame
  70. bóveda- vault
  71. butaca- armchair
  72. batuta- baton
  73. burdeos- burgundy
  74. barro- mud
  75. banquete- banquet
  76. barril- barrel
  77. barullo- noise
  78. balanza- balance
  79. barrera- barrier
  80. bolsillo- pocket
  81. boina- beret
  82. bizcocho- sponge cake
  83. burgo- borough
  84. bronca- quarrel
  85. blancura- whiteness
  86. braguitas- panties
  87. bala- bullet
  88. babosa- slug
  89. barreño- basin
  90. bautismo- baptism
  91. belén- nativity scene
  92. barniz- varnish
  93. barracuda- barracuda
  94. bisutería- costume jewelry
  95. babero- bib
  96. barbilla- chin
  97. bisiesto- bissextile
  98. bloqueador- blocker
  99. bocadillo- sandwich
  100. butifarra- sausage