Discover a diverse range of words that start with the letter “D” and their definitions to enhance your vocabulary.
- Dabble- To take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way.
- Daft- Silly or foolish.
- Dainty- Delicately small and pretty.
- Dally- To act or move slowly.
- Damage- Physical harm caused to something.
- Dampen- Make slightly wet or to decrease in enthusiasm.
- Dangle- Hang or swing loosely.
- Daring- Adventurous or audaciously bold.
- Darken- Make or become dark or darker.
- Dart- Move or throw suddenly and quickly.
- Dash- Run or travel somewhere in a hurry.
- Database- A structured set of data held in a computer.
- Daunt- Make someone feel intimidated or apprehensive.
- Dawdle- Waste time; be slow.
- Dawn- The first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise.
- Daze- Make (someone) unable to think or react properly.
- Dazzle- Blind temporarily by bright light.
- Deafen- Make deaf.
- Deal- Distribute or an agreement.
- Debate- A formal discussion on a particular topic.
- Debris- Scattered pieces of waste or remains.
- Debt- Something, typically money, that is owed or due.
- Decay- The state or process of rotting or decomposition.
- Deceit- The action of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth.
- Decent- Conforming with accepted standards of respectable or moral behavior.
- Decide- Come to a resolution in the mind as a result of consideration.
- Declare- Say something in a solemn and emphatic manner.
- Decline- Become smaller, fewer, or less; decrease.
- Decode- Convert (a coded message) into intelligible language.
- Decor- The furnishing and decoration of a room.
- Decrease- Make or become smaller or fewer in size, amount, intensity, or degree.
- Dedicate- Devote (time, effort, or oneself) to a particular task or purpose.
- Deed- An action that is performed intentionally or consciously.
- Deem- Regard or consider in a specified way.
- Deepen- Make or become deep or deeper.
- Defeat- Win a victory over (someone) in a battle or other contest; overcome or beat.
- Defect- A shortcoming, imperfection, or lack.
- Defend- Resist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger.
- Defer- Put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone.
- Deficit- The amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.
- Define- State or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of.
- Deflate- Let air or gas out of (a tire, balloon, or similar object).
- Deflect- Cause (something) to change direction by interposing something; turn aside from a straight course.
- Deform- Distort the shape or form of; make misshapen.
- Defy- Openly resist or refuse to obey.
- Degrade- Treat or regard (someone) with contempt or disrespect.
- Delay- Make (someone or something) late or slow.
- Delegate- A person sent or authorized to represent others, in particular an elected representative sent to a conference.
- Delete- Remove or obliterate (written or printed matter), especially by drawing a line through it or marking it with a delete sign.
- Delicate- Very fine in texture or structure; of intricate workmanship or quality.
- Delight- Please (someone) greatly.
- Deliver- Bring and hand over (a letter, parcel, or ordered goods) to the proper recipient or address.
- Delve- Reach inside a receptacle and search for something.
- Demand- An insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.
- Demeanor- Outward behavior or bearing.
- Demise- A person’s death.
- Demolish- Pull or knock down (a building).
- Demonstrate- Clearly show the existence or truth of (something) by giving proof or evidence.
- Denote- Be a sign of; indicate.
- Deny- State that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of.
- Depart- Leave, typically in order to start a journey.
- Depend- Be controlled or determined by.
- Depict- Show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form.
- Deplete- Use up the supply or resources of.
- Deploy- Move (troops or equipment) into position for military action.
- Depose- Remove from office suddenly and forcefully.
- Deposit- A sum of money placed or kept in a bank account, usually to gain interest.
- Depress- Cause (someone) to feel utterly dispirited or dejected.
- Deprive- Deny (a person or place) the possession or use of something.
- Depth- The distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom.
- Depute- Appoint or delegate (someone) to undertake a task or office.
- Derail- Cause (a train or trolley car) to leave its tracks accidentally.
- Deride- Express contempt for; ridicule.
- Derive- Obtain something from (a specified source).
- Describe- Give an account in words of (someone or something), including all the relevant characteristics, qualities, or events.
- Desert- Abandon (a person, cause, or organization) in a way considered disloyal or treacherous.
- Deserve- Do something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment).
- Design- Decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object), typically by making a detailed drawing of it.
- Desire- Strongly wish for or want (something).
- Despair- The complete loss or absence of hope.
- Despise- Feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.
- Despite- Without being affected by; in spite of.
- Destine- Intend or choose for a particular purpose or end.
- Destroy- End the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it.
- Detach- Disengage (something) and remove it.
- Detail- An individual feature, fact, or item.
- Detain- Keep (someone) in official custody, typically for questioning about a crime or in politically sensitive situations.
- Detect- Discover or identify the presence or existence of.
- Deter- Discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.
- Deteriorate- Become progressively worse.
- Determine- Cause (something) to occur in a particular way; be the decisive factor in.
- Detract- Diminish the worth or value of (a quality or achievement).
- Develop- Grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.
- Deviate- Depart from an established course.
- Devise- Plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought.
- Devoid- Entirely lacking or free from.
- Devote- Give all or most of one’s time or resources to (a person, activity, or cause).
- Devour- Eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly.
- Diagnose- Identify the nature of (an illness or other problem) by examination of the symptoms.
- Diagram- A simplified drawing showing the appearance, structure, or workings of something; a schematic representation.