If you’re searching for words that start with “fr,” you’ll find a comprehensive list below to help with your needs, from writing to word games.
- Fracas- A noisy disturbance or quarrel.
- Frail- Weak or delicate.
- Frantic- Wild or distraught with fear or anxiety.
- Fraud- Wrongful deception for financial gain.
- Fray- A situation of intense activity, typically involving aggression.
- Freak- A very unusual and unexpected event or situation.
- Freckle- A small brownish spot on the skin.
- Freedom- The power to act, speak, or think without hindrance.
- Freestyle- A style of swimming or wrestling with few restrictions.
- Fringe- The outer or less important part of an area, group, or activity.
- Frolic- Play and move about cheerfully, energetically, or excitedly.
- Frost- A deposit of small white ice crystals formed on the ground or other surfaces.
- Frugal- Sparing or economical with regard to money or food.
- Fruit- The sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed.
- Fry- To cook something in hot fat or oil.
- Fructify- To bear fruit or become productive.
- Fraternal- Pertaining to brothers; brotherly.
- Fragment- A small part broken off or separated from something.
- Frank- Open, honest, and direct in speech or writing.
- Frantic- Distraught with fear or anxiety.
- Friction- The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.
- Frizz- To give a crinkled, fluffy appearance to hair.
- Frog- A tailless amphibian with a stout body and long hind limbs.
- Frontier- The extreme limit of settled land beyond which lies wilderness.
- Fragrance- A pleasant, sweet smell.
- Frigid- Very cold in temperature.
- Frill- A strip of pleated material used as decoration or trim.
- Fringe- Decorative border of hanging threads or strips.
- Frock- A woman’s or girl’s dress.
- Frontier- A border between two countries.
- Frostbite- Injury to body tissues caused by exposure to extreme cold.
- Frigate- A warship with a mixed armament.
- Friction- Conflict or animosity caused by a clash of wills.
- Frizz- The formation of small, tight, and fluffy curls in hair.
- Frosty- Covered with or producing frost.
- Frisbee- A light plastic disc used for throwing and catching.
- Froth- A mass of small bubbles in liquid.
- Fraternal- Relating to brothers or close relationships between people.
- Frivolous- Not having any serious purpose or value.
- Fresh- Recently made or obtained; not canned, frozen, or otherwise preserved.
- Frenzy- A state of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior.
- Fracture- The cracking or breaking of a hard object or material.
- Frangible- Fragile; easily broken.
- Fraction- A small part or segment of something.
- Franchise- The right to vote or a business licensed to operate under a larger company’s name.
- Frankincense- An aromatic resin used in incense and perfumes.
- Fray- To unravel or become worn at the edge.
- Frisson- A sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear.
- Freight- Goods transported in bulk by truck, train, ship, or aircraft.
- Frustum- The portion of a solid (typically a cone or pyramid) that lies between two parallel planes cutting it.
- Frantic- Wildly excited or anxious; frantic efforts.
- Fraught- Filled with or likely to result in something undesirable.
- Freightage- The money paid for transporting goods.
- Frantic- Full of uncontrolled emotion or energy.
- Frazzle- Exhausted physically or emotionally.
- Frantic- Extremely urgent or busy.
- Frantic- In a state of panic or desperation.
- Frail- Easily broken or damaged; fragile.
- Frantic- Showing a lot of uncontrolled emotion.
- Frugal- Spending money wisely; economical.
- Frosty- Cold and icy in manner.
- Freakish- Bizarre or strange.
- Frolicsome- Full of fun and high spirits.
- Fragmentary- Consisting of small disconnected parts.
- Frangipani- A tropical plant with fragrant flowers.
- Frustrate- Prevent someone from achieving something.
- Frigatebird- A large seabird with a forked tail and long wings.
- Frightful- Extremely alarming or terrifying.
- Frivolity- Lack of seriousness; lightheartedness.
- Fringe- Part of a social or political group holding extreme views.
- Frizzle- To fry something until crisp and browned.
- Frothy- Full of or covered with bubbles.
- Front- The most forward part or aspect of something.
- Frippery- Showy or unnecessary ornamentation.
- Fruitful- Producing good or helpful results; productive.
- Fragrant- Having a pleasant smell.
- Frolic- To play or move about cheerfully.
- Frontier- The edge of settled or developed territory.
- Fraternal- Characteristic of a brother or brothers.
- Frieze- A broad horizontal band of sculpted or painted decoration.
- Frisk- A quick, energetic, playful movement.
- Frump- A woman who dresses in an old-fashioned, dowdy way.
- Frictionless- Without friction; smooth interaction.
- Frizz- To give a fuzzy or tight curly appearance to hair.
- Froth- Light, airy bubbles formed on the surface of a liquid.
- Frigate- A type of warship with mixed armaments.
- Frostbound- Held fast by frost or cold.
- Frivolous- Lacking in seriousness or importance.
- Frustration- Feeling of annoyance or distress caused by being unable to achieve something.
- Fraternity- A group of people sharing a common profession, interest, or association.
- Frenetic- Fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way.
- Fro- A hairstyle in which the hair is densely curled.
- Frigid- Unfriendly or showing no emotion.
- Frenemy- A person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike.
- Fries- Thin, fried slices of potato.
- Frater- Another term for brother, often used in a religious context.
- Frangibility- The quality of being easily broken.
- Frizzante- Slightly sparkling, used to describe wine.
- Fremitus- A palpable vibration from the chest that is felt during speaking.
- Fretful- Unable to relax or be still; restless.
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