m words: FAQs and How-Tos

Discover an extensive list of words that start with the letter M, covering various categories and providing plenty of options for your writing needs.

  1. Machine – a device using mechanical power to perform functions.
  2. Magic – the art of producing illusions as entertainment.
  3. Magnify – to make something appear larger than it is.
  4. Majesty – impressive beauty, scale, or dignity.
  5. Malice – the intention or desire to do evil.
  6. Mammal – a warm- blooded vertebrate animal with hair or fur.
  7. Mandate – an official order to do something.
  8. Manifest – clear or obvious to the mind or eye.
  9. Manipulate – to control or influence skillfully.
  10. Mansion – a large, stately house.
  11. Manual – related to or done with hands.
  12. Mariner – a sailor.
  13. Market – a place where goods are sold.
  14. Marvel – to be filled with wonder or amazement.
  15. Mask – a covering for the face.
  16. Massive – large and heavy.
  17. Master – someone with great skill or knowledge.
  18. Mate – a friend or companion.
  19. Material – the substance from which things are made.
  20. Mature – fully developed.
  21. Meadow – a field of grass and flowers.
  22. Measure – to ascertain the size, amount, or degree of something.
  23. Medal – a piece of metal, often circular, awarded as a prize.
  24. Mediate – to intervene in a dispute to resolve it.
  25. Medicine – a substance used to treat illness.
  26. Memory – the mental capacity to store and recall information.
  27. Mention – to refer to something briefly.
  28. Mentor – an experienced and trusted advisor.
  29. Merchant – a person involved in trading commodities.
  30. Merciful – showing compassion or forgiveness.
  31. Merit – the quality of being particularly good or worthy.
  32. Merry – cheerful and lively.
  33. Metal – a solid material typically hard and shiny.
  34. Method – a particular procedure for accomplishing something.
  35. Migrate – to move from one region to another.
  36. Military – relating to soldiers or armed forces.
  37. Million – the number 1,000,000.
  38. Mindful – conscious or aware of something.
  39. Miner – someone who works in a mine.
  40. Ministry – a government department.
  41. Minute – a period of time equal to sixty seconds.
  42. Miracle – an extraordinary event that defies natural laws.
  43. Mischief – playful misbehavior.
  44. Mobile – able to move or be moved.
  45. Modest – unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities.
  46. Modify – to make changes to something.
  47. Moment – a very brief period of time.
  48. Monarch – a sovereign head of state.
  49. Monument – a structure built to commemorate someone or something.
  50. Mood – a temporary state of mind or feeling.
  51. Moral – concerned with principles of right and wrong behavior.
  52. Mortal – liable to cause death.
  53. Mother – a female parent.
  54. Motion – the action of moving.
  55. Motivate – to provide a motive for doing something.
  56. Mountain – a large natural elevation of the earth’s surface.
  57. Mourn – to feel or express grief or sorrow.
  58. Movie – a film.
  59. Multiply – to increase in number.
  60. Museum – a building where historical artifacts are exhibited.
  61. Music – vocal or instrumental sounds combined to produce harmony.
  62. Mutual – experienced or done by each of two or more parties.
  63. Mystery – something that is difficult to understand or explain.
  64. Myth – a traditional story involving supernatural beings or events.
  65. Machine – an apparatus using mechanical power.
  66. Magnitude – the great size or extent of something.
  67. Magic – the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious forces.
  68. Malnutrition – lack of proper nutrition.
  69. Marvel – a wonderful or astonishing person or thing.
  70. Massacre – the killing of many people.
  71. Mechanism – a system of parts working together in a machine.
  72. Meditation – the practice of thinking deeply in silence.
  73. Melody – a sequence of musical notes that are perceived as a single entity.
  74. Metaphor – a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
  75. Meteor – a small body of matter from outer space.
  76. Microbe – a microorganism, especially a bacterium.
  77. Milestone – a significant event or stage in development.
  78. Mimic – to imitate someone or their actions.
  79. Minister – a member of the clergy.
  80. Miniature – very small.
  81. Miracle – an extraordinary event.
  82. Misery – a state of great suffering.
  83. Model – a three- dimensional representation of a person or thing.
  84. Momentum – the quantity of motion of a moving body.
  85. Monastery – a building occupied by monks.
  86. Monopoly – exclusive control over the supply of a commodity.
  87. Moonlight – the light of the moon.
  88. Mountainous – having many mountains.
  89. Mulberry – a small deciduous tree with dark purple berries.
  90. Multiple – having or involving several parts.