Math Words That Start With F: Essential Terms Explained

In this article, you’ll find a comprehensive list of math words that start with the letter “F.

  1. Factor – A number that divides another number exactly.
  2. Factorial – The product of all positive integers up to a given number.
  3. Fibonacci – A sequence where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones.
  4. Fraction – A part of a whole; a/the quotient of two numbers.
  5. Function – A relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs.
  6. Formula – A mathematical relationship expressed in symbols.
  7. Frequency – The number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time.
  8. Frustum – A portion of a solid (normally a cone or pyramid) that lies between two parallel planes.
  9. Foci – Plural of focus; points used to define conic sections.
  10. Face – The flat surface of a three- dimensional shape.
  11. Fibonacci Series – Another term for Fibonacci sequence.
  12. Forthcoming – Relatively forecasted or anticipated.
  13. Farey Sequence – A sequence of fractions in simplest form between 0 and 1.
  14. F- test – A statistical test to determine if variances of two populations are equal.
  15. Field – A set in which addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are defined and behave as the corresponding operations on rational and real numbers.
  16. Function Table – A table used to organize input and output values.
  17. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra – Every non- constant polynomial equation has at least one complex root.
  18. FOIL Method – A technique for distributing two binomials.
  19. Finite – Having a limited number of elements.
  20. Fractional – Related to fractions.
  21. Fixed Point – A point that is mapped to itself by a function.
  22. First Quartile – The median of the lower half of a data set.
  23. Finite Set – A set with a finite number of elements.
  24. Five Number Summary – Consists of the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum.
  25. Floor Function – The function that takes a real number and gives the greatest integer less than or equal to that number.
  26. Flux – The rate of flow of a property per unit area.
  27. Fourier Series – A way to represent a function as the sum of simple sine waves.
  28. Fixed Cost – A cost that does not change with the level of production or sales.
  29. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus – Links the concept of the derivative of a function with the concept of the integral.
  30. Fourier Transform – A mathematical transform that decomposes functions depending on space or time into functions depending on spatial or temporal frequency.
  31. Free Energy – Used to determine the spontaneity of a process.
  32. Final Value – The value approached by the function as the input increases without bound.
  33. Factorization – The process of breaking down an entity into a product of other entities.
  34. Fundamental Matrix – A square matrix solution to a system of linear differential equations.
  35. Feasible Region – The set of all possible points that satisfy a system of inequalities.
  36. Figure – A geometric form.
  37. Fractal – A complex geometric pattern exhibiting self- similarity.
  38. Fraction Bar – The line that separates the numerator and denominator in a fraction.
  39. First Derivative – Represents the slope or rate of change of a function.
  40. Fundamental Group – A concept in algebraic topology that captures information about the basic shape, or holes, of a topological space.
  41. Fubini’s Theorem – Provides conditions under which a double integral can be computed as an iterated integral.
  42. Floating Point – A way to represent real numbers in computing that can support a wide range of values.
  43. Folded Normal Distribution – A probability distribution related to the normal distribution.
  44. Finite Difference – An expression of the form f(x + b) – f(x + a).
  45. Fractional Exponent – An exponent expressed as a fraction.
  46. Fold – To bring two parts or sides together.
  47. Fluctuation – A variation in a set of data points.
  48. Fuzzy Logic – A form of logic used when information is imprecise.
  49. Fixed Variable – A constant value in a mathematical function or equation.
  50. Foster Series – A series in electrical network theory representing two- port networks.
  51. F- distribution – The probability distribution of the ratio of two independent chi-squared variables divided by their respective degrees of freedom.
  52. Friction – The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.
  53. Frame – A coordinate system.
  54. Flux Integral – An integral that calculates the flow of a vector field through a surface.
  55. Fourier Coefficient – Coefficients of the terms of the Fourier series of a function.
  56. Five- point Discrete Laplace Operator – Used in the numerical solution of partial differential equations.
  57. Finite Element – A small piece of a larger geometric object used in finite element analysis.
  58. Focus – A point used to construct and define a conic section.
  59. Fuzzy Set – A set without a sharp boundary; defined by membership function.
  60. Full Rank – When the matrix has no linearly dependent rows or columns.
  61. Fibonacci Heap – A data structure for priority queue operations.
  62. Filament – A slender thread- like object or fiber.
  63. Frobenius Endomorphism – A special kind of mapping associated with fields that have prime characteristic.
  64. Fitted Value – The estimated value in a regression.
  65. Focal Point – The center of interest or activity.
  66. Fermat’s Little Theorem – States that if p is a prime number, then for any integer a, the number a^p – a is an integer multiple of p.
  67. Field Extension – An enlarged field containing another field.
  68. Finite Automaton – A theoretical machine used in computer science.
  69. Fundamental Mode – The mode with the lowest frequency.
  70. Fermat’s Last Theorem – States that no three positive integers a, b, and c satisfy a^n + b^n = c^n for any integer value of n greater than 2.
  71. Free Variable – A variable in a mathematical function not constrained by conditions.
  72. Fibonacci Polynomial – A sequence of polynomials defined by a Fibonacci- like recurrence.
  73. Feigenbaum Constant – A mathematical constant that is the limiting ratio of each bifurcation interval to the next.
  74. Forcing Term – A term added to a differential equation representing an external influence.
  75. Fixed- Point Iteration – A method of computing fixed points of iterated functions.
  76. Fractional Part – The non- integer part of a number.
  77. Fourier Analysis – The study of how general functions can be represented by sums of simpler trigonometric functions.
  78. Fundamental Solution – A solution of a differential equation that represents the response to a delta function source term.
  79. Fundamental Polygon – A simple polygon used in the study of surface tilings and topology.
  80. Flip – To turn over or rotate.
  81. Frobenius Number – The largest monetary amount that cannot be obtained using any combination of specified denominations.
  82. Farey Neighbor – Two fractions that are neighbors in a Farey sequence.
  83. Fixed Step Size – A uniform interval in numerical methods.
  84. Fourier Basis – An orthonormal basis of functions used in Fourier series representation.
  85. Fault – An incorrect step, process, or data definition.
  86. Fixed- point Arithmetic – Arithmetic using fixed precision for the numbers.
  87. Fredholm Alternative – A result concerning the solvability of certain integral equations.
  88. Free Energy Change – The change in free energy of a system as it undergoes a process.
  89. Focus Directrix – A line surrounding a focus point.
  90. Fractional KPZ Equation – A fractional extension of the Kardar- Parisi-Zhang equation.
  91. Fermat’s Principle – A principle stating that the path taken between two points by a ray of light is the path that can be traversed in the least time.
  92. Field Line – A line that represents both the direction and the strength of a force field.
  93. Fourier Multiple – Multiple terms in a Fourier series.
  94. Focal Length – The distance from the center of a lens to the focal point.
  95. Functional Equation – An equation that specifies a function in implicit form.
  96. Finite Geometry – A geometry having only a finite number of points.
  97. Frobenius Norm – A measure of matrix size based on the sum of the absolute squares of its elements.
  98. Fixed Angle – An angle that does not change.
  99. Fractional Linear Transformation – A function of the form (ax + b) / (cx + d).
  100. Fourier Integral – Representing a function as an integral of trigonometric functions.