Math Words That Start with N: Key Terms You Need

Discover a comprehensive list of math words that start with the letter “N” to enhance your mathematical vocabulary and knowledge.

  1. Null – Having zero value.
  2. Number – A mathematical object used to count, measure, and label.
  3. Numeral – A symbol or group of symbols that represents a number.
  4. Numerator – The top part of a fraction.
  5. Negative – Less than zero.
  6. Natural Number – A positive integer.
  7. Nonagon – A nine- sided polygon.
  8. Nth Term – The position of a term in a sequence.
  9. Normal Distribution – A bell- shaped frequency distribution curve.
  10. Null Matrix – A matrix in which all elements are zero.
  11. Nonlinear – Not in a straight line.
  12. Non- Euclidean Geometry – Geometry that is not based on Euclid’s axioms.
  13. Node – A point in a network or graph.
  14. Norm – A function that assigns a strictly positive length or size to all vectors in a vector space.
  15. Newton’s Method – A root- finding algorithm.
  16. Nested Interval – A sequence of intervals where each interval is contained within the previous one.
  17. Number Line – A line on which each point corresponds to a real number.
  18. Null Set – A set with no elements.
  19. Nominal Scale – A scale used for labeling variables without any quantitative value.
  20. Non- Standard Analysis – A branch of mathematics that formulates calculus using a rigorous notion of an infinitesimal number.
  21. Null Hypothesis – A general statement or default position that there is no relationship between two measured phenomena.
  22. Numerical Analysis – The study of algorithms that use numerical approximation.
  23. Normal Form – A standardized way of presenting some mathematical object.
  24. Network Theory – The study of graphs as a representation of relationships.
  25. Nonconvex Optimization – Optimization of functions that are not convex.
  26. Nodal Analysis – A method in circuit analysis for finding voltage.
  27. Non- Negative – Greater than or equal to zero.
  28. Napier’s Constant – Another name for the mathematical constant e.
  29. Non- Collinear – Points that do not lie on the same straight line.
  30. Nyquist Criterion – A graphical technique for determining the stability of a dynamical system.
  31. Non- Parametric – Not based on parameterized families of probability distributions.
  32. Neperian Logarithm – Another term for the natural logarithm.
  33. Number Theory – The branch of mathematics concerned with properties of numbers.
  34. Nash Equilibrium – A concept in game theory.
  35. Net – A two- dimensional pattern that can be folded to form a three-dimensional figure.
  36. Non- Euclidean Space – A space in which Euclidean geometry does not apply.
  37. Numerical Coefficient – A constant multiplied by a variable within a term.
  38. Nontrivial – Not simple or obviously easy; requires thought.
  39. Neper’s Bones – A manually operated calculating device created by John Napier.
  40. Normal Vector – A vector that is perpendicular to a given surface.
  41. Normed Vector Space – A vector space with a function that assigns a positive length or size to each vector.
  42. Nullity – The dimension of the null space of a matrix.
  43. Nonlinear Equation – An equation for which the graph is not a straight line.
  44. Non- Linear System – A system in which a change in input does not produce a proportional change in output.
  45. Null Space – The set of all vectors that result in the zero vector when a specific matrix is applied to them.
  46. Numerical Method – Techniques by which mathematical problems are formulated so they can be solved with arithmetic operations.
  47. Neumann Boundary Condition – A type of boundary condition used in solving differential equations.
  48. Non- Associative – Operations for which the order of operations does change the result.
  49. Nexus – A connection or series of connections in a network.
  50. Nonagon Diagonal – A diagonal within a nine- sided polygon.
  51. Negative Reciprocity – Relationship between two quantities in which one increases while the other decreases.
  52. Negative Skew – A distribution where most values are concentrated on the right.
  53. Node Degree – The number of edges incident to a node.
  54. Nonlinear Programming – The process of solving optimization problems where the objective function or constraints are nonlinear.
  55. Non- Invertible – Not having an inverse.
  56. Non- Zero – Any value that is not zero.
  57. Norm- Restricted – Constrained by a specific norm.
  58. Non- Integer – A number that is not a whole number.
  59. Nonstandard Model – A mathematical model that does not conform to the standard axioms.
  60. Nonhomogeneous – Not uniform or consistent in structure.
  61. Numerical Differentiation – Approximating the derivative of a function using discrete data.
  62. Numerical Integration – Approximating the integral of a function using discrete data.
  63. Naive Set Theory – The original form of set theory developed by Cantor.
  64. Non- Negative Integer – An integer that is zero or positive.
  65. Nonlinear Dynamics – The study of systems governed by equations more complex than linear differential equations.
  66. Bijection – A one- to-one correspondence between elements of two sets.
  67. Nekrasov Method – A numerical technique in hydrodynamics.
  68. Numeric Algorithm – A step- by-step procedure for calculations.
  69. Non- Isomorphic – Not structurally the same.
  70. Nine’s Complement – Used in the decimal subtraction algorithm.
  71. Normed Field – A field with a norm satisfying the multiplicative property.
  72. Number Pyramid – A triangular arrangement of numbers.
  73. Nearest Neighbor – The closest point or object in space.
  74. Numerical Sequencing – Arranging numbers in a particular order.
  75. Non- Repeating Decimal – A decimal that does not have repeating digits.
  76. Non- Unitary Matrix – A matrix not preserving the inner product.
  77. Non- Primitive Root – An element in modular arithmetic that is not a primitive root.
  78. Natural Logarithm – The logarithm to the base e.
  79. Niven Numbers – Integers divisible by the sum of their digits.
  80. Non- Singular Matrix – A matrix with a non-zero determinant.
  81. Network Flow – The study of the flow of items through a network.
  82. Non- Square Matrix – A matrix that does not have the same number of rows and columns.
  83. Newton- Raphson – An iterative numerical method to find roots of a real-valued function.
  84. Nested Sum – A sum within another sum.
  85. Nippy Numbers – Numbers that have distinctive properties.