Math Words that Start with P: Essential List and Definitions

In this article, you will find a comprehensive list of math terms starting with the letter “P” to enhance your mathematical vocabulary.

  1. Parallel- Lines that never intersect.
  2. Parabola- A symmetrical curve on a graph.
  3. Parameter- A variable that defines a system or function.
  4. Perimeter- The distance around a shape.
  5. Percentage- A fraction of 100.
  6. Permutation- An arrangement of objects.
  7. Polynomial- An expression of multiple terms.
  8. Prime- A number divisible only by 1 and itself.
  9. Probability- The likelihood of an event occurring.
  10. Proportion- A statement that two ratios are equal.
  11. Pythagorean- Relating to Pythagorean theorem.
  12. Pi- The ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.
  13. Product- The result of multiplying numbers.
  14. Plane- A flat, two-dimensional surface.
  15. Positive- Greater than zero.
  16. Power- An exponent to which a number is raised.
  17. Progression- A sequence of numbers with a pattern.
  18. Perpendicular- Lines that intersect at a right angle.
  19. Parallelogram- A four-sided figure with opposite sides parallel.
  20. Polygon- A closed figure with many sides.
  21. Prism- A solid figure with two parallel, congruent bases.
  22. Probability Distribution- A function defining probabilities for different outcomes.
  23. Protractor- A tool for measuring angles.
  24. Pearson- A measure of linear correlation between variables.
  25. Point- An exact location in space.
  26. Percentile- A measure indicating the value below which a given percentage falls.
  27. Polynomial Function- A function represented by a polynomial equation.
  28. Partial Fraction- A method of breaking down rational expressions.
  29. Population- The entire set in a study.
  30. Polar Coordinates- A system using radius and angle to define positions.
  31. Pascal’s Triangle- A triangular array of binomial coefficients.
  32. Prime Factor- A factor that is a prime number.
  33. Permutation Matrix- A matrix representing a permutation of elements.
  34. Parametric Equation- An equation where variables are expressed as functions of parameters.
  35. Pre- image – The original figure before transformation.
  36. Proving- Demonstrating the truth of a statement.
  37. Polynomial Long Division- A method for dividing polynomials.
  38. Periodic Function- A function repeating at regular intervals.
  39. Primality Test- Determining if a number is prime.
  40. Partial Derivative- The derivative of a function with respect to one variable.
  41. Paving- A method of covering a surface with shapes.
  42. Primitive Root- A number generating all integers modulo n.
  43. Path- A sequence of edges in a graph.
  44. Probability Space- The set of all possible outcomes in an experiment.
  45. Pulley- A simple machine used in physical mathematics.
  46. Projective Geometry- A type of geometry dealing with properties invariant under projection.
  47. Ping Pong Lemma- A method in group theory.
  48. Pyramid- A solid object with a polygonal base and triangular faces.
  49. Polyhedron- A three-dimensional figure with flat faces.
  50. Parity- The evenness or oddness of an integer.
  51. P- adic Number – A type of number used in number theory.
  52. Projection- A mapping of points to a line or plane.
  53. Pulse- A waveform in signal processing.
  54. Principal Axis- A main line about which a figure is symmetrical.
  55. Pi Bond- A type of covalent bond in chemistry.
  56. Partition- A division of a number into summand parts.
  57. Peano Axioms- A set of axioms for the natural numbers.
  58. Period- The interval between repetitions of a function.
  59. Positive Definite Matrix- A matrix with positive eigenvalues.
  60. Parametrization- Expressing a geometric object as parametric equations.
  61. Padé Approximant- A rational approximation to a function.
  62. Partial Sum- A sum obtained by adding a sequence of terms.
  63. Pseudorandom- Seemingly random but generated by a deterministic process.
  64. Plane Geometry- The study of shapes in a flat plane.
  65. Perceptron- A type of algorithm in machine learning.
  66. Patent- A formal document granting rights.
  67. Polylogarithm- A special function built from logarithms.
  68. Path Connected- A property in topology.
  69. Pigeonhole Principle- A principle stating that if n items are put into m containers, with n > m, then at least one container must contain more than one item.
  70. Projection Matrix- A matrix that maps a space into a subspace.
  71. Pascal’s Law- A principle in fluid mechanics.
  72. Phase Space- A space representing all possible states of a system.
  73. Plane Angle- An angle in a plane figure.
  74. Power Set- The set of all subsets of a set.
  75. Planck Constant- A fundamental constant in quantum mechanics.
  76. Principal Value- The main value in multivalued functions.
  77. Point of Concurrency- Where three or more lines intersect.
  78. Principal Component- A direction of maximum variance in data.
  79. Polar Form- A way of representing complex numbers.
  80. Parametric Surface- A surface defined by parametric equations.
  81. Parity Bit- A bit added for error detection in computing.
  82. Polygonal Chain- A sequence of connected line segments.
  83. Pseudoprime- A composite number passing some primality tests.
  84. Primorial- The product of the first n prime numbers.
  85. Poincaré Map- A method in dynamical systems.
  86. Polytope- A generalization of polygons and polyhedra.
  87. Periodic Table- A chart in chemistry arranging elements.
  88. Positive Feedback- A feedback enhancing the original signal.
  89. Plücker Coordinates- A system in projective geometry.
  90. Population Mean- The average of a population.
  91. Pavement- The surface of a geometric area.
  92. Perimeter Formula- A formula for calculating the perimeter.
  93. Pentagonal Number- A figurate number representing a pentagon.
  94. Polynomial Interpolation- Estimating values within a range of data.
  95. Probabilistic- Involving probability.
  96. Primitive Polynomial- A polynomial in Galois fields.
  97. Possibility- The potential for an event to occur.
  98. Planisphere- A map projection of the celestial sphere.
  99. Pseudocode- An informal way to describe algorithms.
  100. Proximity- The closeness of points or sets in space.