n Words in Spanish: Complete List and Meanings

Discover a comprehensive list of Spanish words that start with the letter “N,” along with their meanings and examples in sentences to enhance your vocabulary and language skills.

  1. Nabo- Turnip
  2. Nacer- To be born
  3. Nacer- To be born
  4. Nadar- To swim
  5. Naranja- Orange
  6. Nariz- Nose
  7. Nativo- Native
  8. Navidad- Christmas
  9. Nave- Ship
  10. Nebulosa- Nebula
  11. Necesario- Necessary
  12. Necesitar- To need
  13. Néctar- Nectar
  14. Negar- To deny
  15. Negocio- Business
  16. Negro- Black
  17. Neón- Neon
  18. Negrita- Bold (font)
  19. Negrura- Blackness
  20. Nena- Baby girl
  21. Nenúfar- Water lily
  22. Neto- Net (amount)
  23. Neumático- Tire
  24. Neurona- Neuron
  25. Neutral- Neutral
  26. Nevada- Snowfall
  27. Nieve- Snow
  28. Niña- Girl
  29. Niño- Boy
  30. Nido- Nest
  31. Niebla- Fog
  32. Niego- I deny
  33. Nivel- Level
  34. Noble- Noble
  35. Noche- Night
  36. Nodo- Node
  37. Noé- Noah
  38. Nombre- Name
  39. Novela- Novel
  40. Novia- Girlfriend
  41. Novio- Boyfriend
  42. Nube- Cloud
  43. Nuevo- New
  44. Nuez- Nut
  45. Número- Number
  46. Nutria- Otter
  47. Nunca- Never
  48. Nudo- Knot
  49. Nulo- Null
  50. Nota- Note
  51. Notar- To notice
  52. Noticia- News
  53. Noviembre- November
  54. Nylon- Nylon
  55. Nocivo- Harmful
  56. Narciso- Narcissus
  57. Narco- Drug dealer
  58. Nominado- Nominated
  59. Natural- Natural
  60. Navigator- Navigator
  61. Normativo- Normative
  62. Notable- Notable
  63. Nostalgia- Nostalgia
  64. Narración- Narration
  65. Neón- Neon
  66. Neblinoso- Foggy
  67. Navegar- To navigate
  68. Necesidad- Need
  69. Nectarina- Nectarine
  70. Negociar- To negotiate
  71. Neocortex- Neocortex
  72. Neófito- Neophyte
  73. Nebulizar- To nebulize
  74. Neutralizar- To neutralize
  75. Nomenclatura- Nomenclature
  76. Normalidad- Normality
  77. Narrador- Narrator
  78. Notar- To note
  79. Numérico- Numeric
  80. Nutrir- To nourish
  81. Nacional- National
  82. Naciente- Nascent
  83. Notalgia- Back pain
  84. Neumonía- Pneumonia
  85. Nave- Ship
  86. Ninfa- Nymph
  87. Navideño- Christmas (adjective)
  88. Nativo- Native
  89. Nacionalidad- Nationality
  90. Nigromante- Necromancer
  91. Nomenclatura- Nomenclature
  92. Neurociencia- Neuroscience
  93. Nonato- Not born
  94. Nocilla- Hazelnut spread
  95. Nómada- Nomad
  96. Nuca- Nape
  97. Niebla- Mist
  98. Noticiero- News program
  99. Neurólogo- Neurologist