Discover a comprehensive list of words that start with the letter “o” to enhance your vocabulary and boost your language skills.
- Oasis- A fertile spot in a desert.
- Oath- A solemn promise.
- Obedient- Complying with orders or requests.
- Obelisk- A tall, four-sided stone pillar.
- Oblivious- Unaware or forgetful.
- Obscure- Not clearly expressed.
- Obsolete- Out of date.
- Obstruct- Block or get in the way of.
- Obtuse- Slow to understand.
- Occult- Relating to magic or the supernatural.
- Occupant- Someone who resides in a space.
- Occur- Happen or take place.
- Ocean- A vast body of saltwater.
- Octagon- A shape with eight sides.
- Octave- An interval of eight diatonic notes.
- Ocular- Relating to the eye.
- Odor- A distinctive smell.
- Offend- Cause to feel upset.
- Office- A place of business or work.
- Official- Relating to an authority.
- Offset- Counterbalance or compensate.
- Often- Frequently.
- Oil- A viscous liquid used as fuel or lubricant.
- Old- Having lived for many years.
- Olive- A small, oval fruit.
- Omen- A sign or indication of future events.
- Omit- Leave out or exclude.
- One- The number after zero.
- Onset- Beginning or start.
- Ontology- The study of being.
- Oodle- A large quantity.
- Ooze- Slowly trickle or seep out.
- Opal- A precious gemstone.
- Opaque- Not transparent.
- Open- Not closed or fastened.
- Operate- Function or work.
- Operator- A person who operates equipment.
- Opinion- A belief or judgment.
- Opponent- A rival or adversary.
- Opportune- Suitable or timely.
- Opposite- Completely different.
- Optical- Relating to sight.
- Optimistic- Hopeful and confident.
- Option- A choice or alternative.
- Oracle- A prophetic figure or message.
- Oral- Spoken rather than written.
- Orange- A round citrus fruit.
- Orbit- The path of a celestial body.
- Orchards- Areas of land with fruit trees.
- Orchid- A type of flowering plant.
- Orchestra- A large group of musicians.
- Ordain- Order or decree officially.
- Order- An arrangement or sequence.
- Ordinary- Commonplace.
- Oregon- A U.S. state.
- Ore- A naturally occurring mineral.
- Organ- A part of an organism.
- Organic- Relating to living matter.
- Organization- A group structured for a purpose.
- Orient- Align or position.
- Origin- The beginning or cause of something.
- Original- First or earliest.
- Orphan- A child whose parents are deceased.
- Oscillate- Move back and forth.
- Ostrich- A large flightless bird.
- Otter- A semi-aquatic mammal.
- Ounce- A unit of weight.
- Outbreak- A sudden occurrence.
- Outdoor- Outside or in the open air.
- Outer- Situated on the outside.
- Outgoing- Sociable and friendly.
- Outlaw- A person who has broken the law.
- Outlet- A point of access for electricity or gas.
- Outline- A general description.
- Outpost- A distant military station.
- Output- The amount produced.
- Outrage- An extremely strong reaction.
- Outside- The external side.
- Outstanding- Exceptionally good.
- Oval- An egg-shaped form.
- Oven- A chamber used for baking or roasting.
- Overcast- Cloudy weather.
- Overcome- Succeed in dealing with.
- Overflow- A flow over the brim.
- Overhaul- A thorough examination.
- Overlap- Extend over and cover part of.
- Overlook- Fail to notice.
- Overseas- Across the sea.
- Overstate- Exaggerate.
- Overtake- Catch up with and pass.
- Overview- A general summary.
- Ovulate- Release of an egg from the ovary.
- Owl- A nocturnal bird of prey.
- Ownership- The state of owning something.
- Oxidize- Combine or become combined with oxygen.
- Oxygen- A gas essential for respiration.
- Oyster- A marine mollusk.
- Oz- A unit of weight, ounce abbreviation.
- Ozone- A form of oxygen with three atoms per molecule.