Science Words That Start With L: A List for Learners

This article lists science words that start with ‘L,’ providing a useful reference for students and enthusiasts alike.

  1. Lab – Short for laboratory, a place for scientific experiments.
  2. Label – A name or phrase given to describe a category of things.
  3. Lactation – The secretion of milk by the mammary glands.
  4. Laser – A device that generates an intense beam of coherent monochromatic light.
  5. Lateral – Relating to or situated at the sides.
  6. Latitude – The distance north or south of the equator measured in degrees.
  7. Lattice – A regular, repeating arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules.
  8. Law – A statement that describes an observable occurrence in nature.
  9. Laxative – A substance that induces bowel movements.
  10. Leaf – The flattened structure of a plant, where photosynthesis occurs.
  11. Leptin – A hormone that helps regulate body weight by inhibiting hunger.
  12. Leukocyte – A white blood cell.
  13. Lever – A simple machine consisting of a beam or rigid rod pivoted at a fixed hinge.
  14. Lexicon – The vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.
  15. Litmus – A dye used to test acidity or alkalinity.
  16. Locomotion – Movement or the ability to move from one place to another.
  17. Longitudinal – Running lengthwise rather than across.
  18. Longitude – The distance east or west of the prime meridian measured in degrees.
  19. Lumen – The unit of luminous flux in the International System of Units.
  20. Lunar – Pertaining to the moon.
  21. Lymph – The fluid that circulates throughout the lymphatic system.
  22. Lymphocyte – A type of white blood cell in the immune system.
  23. Lycopene – A red carotenoid pigment found in tomatoes and other red fruits.
  24. Lysis – The destruction or disintegration of cells.
  25. Lysosome – An organelle containing enzymes for breaking down waste.
  26. Lichen – A composite organism arising from algae or cyanobacteria living among filaments of fungi.
  27. Lipid – A group of naturally occurring molecules that include fats, waxes, and vitamins.
  28. Ligament – A fibrous connective tissue that connects bones to other bones.
  29. Ligand – A molecule that binds to another (usually larger) molecule.
  30. Light – Electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye.
  31. Locus – The specific location of a gene or DNA sequence on a chromosome.
  32. Logarithm – The power to which a number must be raised to obtain another number.
  33. Load – The weight or force that is applied to a structure or system.
  34. Loudness – The attribute of a sound that determines the intensity.
  35. Luminescence – The emission of light by a substance not resulting from heat.
  36. Lenticel – A small, spongy area on the surface of a plant stem, allowing gas exchange.
  37. Lymphoid – Relating to or denoting the tissue responsible for producing lymphocytes.
  38. Linseed – The seed of the flax plant, used to make linseed oil.
  39. Lamina – A thin layer, plate, or membrane.
  40. Lithium – A soft, silvery- white alkali metal.
  41. Limnology – The study of inland waters.
  42. Leaching – The removal of soluble substances from a material by percolation.
  43. Loop – A structure, series, or process, the end or ends of which are connected.
  44. Looping – The process of forming loops.
  45. Luminary – An object that gives light.
  46. Lymphoma – A type of blood cancer that develops in the lymphatic system.
  47. Linctus – A syrupy or sticky preparation for relieving coughs.
  48. Lutein – A carotenoid present in the macula of the eye.
  49. Lineage – Lineal descent from an ancestor.
  50. Linear – Consisting of or using lines.
  51. Liquid – A state of matter with a definite volume but no fixed shape.
  52. Luster – A gentle sheen or soft glow.
  53. Lacuna – An unfilled space or interval; a gap.
  54. Lethal – Sufficient to cause death.
  55. Lentic – Pertaining to or living in still water.
  56. Lethargy – A lack of energy and enthusiasm.
  57. Locule – A cavity within an ovary of a flower.
  58. Lysogeny – The integration of bacteriophage nucleic acid into the host bacterium’s genome.
  59. Lycophyte – A division of plants including clubmosses and their relatives.
  60. Lyophilization – A process to preserve perishable materials by freezing and then drying.
  61. Labile – Easily altered or changed.
  62. Laminar – Flowing in parallel layers, with no disruption.
  63. Ligase – An enzyme that facilitates the joining of DNA strands.
  64. Lithosphere – The rigid outer layer of Earth.
  65. Latent – Existing but not yet developed or manifest.
  66. Lithology – The study of the general physical characteristics of rocks.
  67. Lacrimal – Relating to or denoting the glands that secrete tears.
  68. Lactose – A sugar present in milk.
  69. Leverage – The exertion of force by means of a lever.
  70. Lymphatic – Pertaining to lymph or its secretion.
  71. Labial – Pertaining to the lips.
  72. Latitude – The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth’s equator.
  73. Lung – A respiratory organ.
  74. Lagomorph – A member of the order Lagomorpha, which includes rabbits, hares, and pikas.
  75. Liesegang rings – A precipitation pattern in a gel.
  76. Luminality – A term used in anthropology to describe the quality of ambiguity during rituals.
  77. Lipase – An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of fats.
  78. Lumbosacral – Relating to the lumbar and sacral regions of the spine.
  79. Lubricity – The property of reducing friction.
  80. Limulus – The genus of horseshoe crabs.
  81. Locomotor – Relating to movement or the ability to move.
  82. Lactate – To secrete milk.
  83. Lagrangian – Relating to a function that describes the dynamics of a system.
  84. LIT – Low- intensity training.
  85. Lusterware – Pottery having an iridescent metallic glaze.
  86. Lymphokine – A cytokine produced by lymphocytes.
  87. Lexan – A type of polycarbonate resin.
  88. Limb – An arm or leg.
  89. Logjam – An impediment.
  90. Luminaire – A complete lighting unit.
  91. Lipemia – The presence of excess lipids in the blood.
  92. Lowry method – A biochemical assay for determining protein concentration.
  93. Limbic – Relating to the limbic system of the brain.
  94. Lyase – An enzyme that catalyzes the breaking of various chemical bonds.
  95. Lidar – Light Detection and Ranging, a remote sensing method.
  96. Lingual – Relating to the tongue.
  97. Lymphadenopathy – Disease affecting the lymph nodes.
  98. Logwood – A tree used in dyeing.
  99. Lenticular – Shaped like a lens.
  100. Lithotripsy – A procedure to break up stones in the urinary system.