Science Words That Start with P: A Detailed List

In this article, you’ll discover a comprehensive list of science-related words that start with the letter P.

  1. Photosynthesis- Process by which green plants use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.
  2. Proton- A subatomic particle with a positive electric charge found in the nucleus of an atom.
  3. Physics- The branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy.
  4. Paleontology- The scientific study of life in the geologic past involving the analysis of plant and animal fossils.
  5. Pathogen- An organism that causes disease.
  6. Polymer- A substance with a molecular structure consisting chiefly or entirely of a large number of similar units bonded together.
  7. Phagocyte- A type of cell within the body capable of engulfing and absorbing bacteria and other small cells and particles.
  8. Phylum- A principal taxonomic category that ranks above class and below kingdom.
  9. Pangaea- A supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras.
  10. Placenta- An organ in mammals that nourishes and maintains the fetus through the umbilical cord.
  11. Pancreas- A large gland behind the stomach that secretes digestive enzymes and hormones such as insulin.
  12. Phenotype- The set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment.
  13. Permafrost- Ground, including rock or soil, that remains at or below the freezing point of water for two or more years.
  14. Parasitism- A non-mutual relationship between species, where one species, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the host.
  15. Photovoltaic- Relating to the conversion of light into electricity.
  16. Pyroclastic- Relating to, consisting of, or denoting fragments of rock erupted by a volcano.
  17. Pollination- Transfer of pollen from the male structure to the female structure of plants.
  18. Photosphere- The luminous envelope of a star from which its light and heat radiate.
  19. Paleomagnetism- The study of the record of the Earth’s magnetic field in rocks, sediment, or archeological materials.
  20. Phosphorescence- Light emitted by a substance without combustion or perceptible heat.
  21. Population- A group of individuals of the same species living in a particular geographic area.
  22. Pathology- The scientific study of disease.
  23. Phospholipid- A lipid containing a phosphate group in its molecule.
  24. Protist- Any of a diverse taxonomic group of unicellular and multicellular eukaryotic organisms.
  25. Plasmodium- A genus of parasitic protozoa, some of which cause malaria in humans.
  26. Potassium- A chemical element with symbol K and atomic number 19, essential for many vital functions in organisms.
  27. Precipitation- Any form of water, liquid or solid, that falls from clouds and reaches the ground.
  28. Peristalsis- The involuntary constriction and relaxation of muscles in the intestine or another canal, creating wave-like movements.
  29. Pedology- The study of soils in their natural environment.
  30. Paleoclimatology- The study of changes in climate taken on the scale of the entire history of Earth.
  31. Pathophysiology- The study of the disordered physiological processes associated with disease or injury.
  32. Parasympathetic- Relating to the part of the autonomic nervous system responsible for rest and digestion.
  33. Pharmacology- The branch of medicine and biology concerned with the study of drug action.
  34. Permafrost- Permanently frozen layer of soil beneath the earth’s surface.
  35. Polarity- The property of having poles or being polar.
  36. Positron- The antiparticle or the antimatter counterpart of the electron.
  37. Pheromone- A chemical substance produced and released into the environment by an animal.
  38. Plutonium- A radioactive chemical element with symbol Pu and atomic number 94.
  39. Pathogen- A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.
  40. Paleobiology- The study of ancient life, with a focus on how organisms lived and interacted with their environments.
  41. Pentane- An alkane with five carbon atoms.
  42. Pyrotechnics- The science and technology of fireworks and related materials.
  43. Plasma- The colorless fluid part of blood.
  44. Protostar- A large mass that forms by contraction out of the gas of a giant molecular cloud in the interstellar medium.
  45. Petroleum- A naturally occurring, yellow-to-black liquid found in geological formations.
  46. Potential energy- Energy possessed by an object due to its position relative to others.
  47. Polymerase- An enzyme that synthesizes long chains of polymers or nucleic acids.
  48. Prebiotic- Relating to chemical processes and substances that predate the origin of life.
  49. Polymorphism- The occurrence of different forms among the members of a population.
  50. Precipitate- A solid that forms and settles out of a liquid mixture.
  51. Pneumatics- The branch of physics or technology concerned with the mechanical properties of gases.
  52. Protistology- The study of protists.
  53. Propane- A three-carbon alkane with the molecular formula C3H8.
  54. Peptide- Short chains of amino acid monomers linked by peptide bonds.
  55. Phosphorylation- The addition of a phosphate group to a molecule.
  56. Proteomics- The large-scale study of proteomes.
  57. Pteridology- The study of ferns and related plants.
  58. Positron emission tomography- A scanning method that produces a three-dimensional image of functional processes in the body.
  59. Particulate matter- A mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air.
  60. Paleogeography- The study of historical geography.
  61. Plankton- Drifting organisms in the water column unable to swim against a current.
  62. Phagocytosis- The process by which a cell engulfs particles such as bacteria.
  63. Protactinium- A chemical element with symbol Pa and atomic number 91.
  64. Polarity- The condition of having distinct and opposite charges.
  65. Pollen- Fine particles produced by plants, necessary for the fertilization process.
  66. Pharmacokinetics- The study of how drugs move through the body.
  67. Pathogenesis- The origin and development of a disease.
  68. Photic zone- The upper layer of a body of water that receives sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis.
  69. Platyhelminthes- A phylum of relatively simple bilaterian, unsegmented, soft-bodied invertebrates, also known as flatworms.
  70. Photosystem- A biochemical system in plants that is involved in capturing light for photosynthesis.
  71. Prefrontal cortex- The front part of the brain involved in decision making and complex cognitive behavior.
  72. Protostome- An organism characterized by its embryonic development where the mouth forms before the anus.
  73. Palliative care- Specialized medical care for people living with a serious illness, focused on providing relief from symptoms and stress.
  74. Palynology- The study of dust or particles that are dispersed through the air, including pollen and spores.
  75. Parturition- The act of giving birth.
  76. Perigee- The point in the orbit of an object where it is closest to the Earth.
  77. Petrography- The study of the description and classification of rocks.
  78. Phonon- A quantum of energy associated with vibrations within a crystalline lattice.
  79. Phyllotaxis- The arrangement of leaves on a plant stem.
  80. Physiology- The scientific study of the functions and mechanisms in a living system.
  81. Polynucleotide- A polymer consisting of many nucleotide monomers.
  82. Phylogeny- The evolutionary history and the relationships among a species or group of species.
  83. Peroxisome- A small organelle present in the cytoplasm of many cells, which contains the reducing enzyme catalase.
  84. Pulsar- A highly magnetized rotating neutron star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation.
  85. Plasmid- A small DNA molecule within a cell that is physically separated from chromosomal DNA and can replicate independently.
  86. Potential difference- The difference in electric potential between two points in a circuit.
  87. Pleura- A membrane that envelops the lungs and lines the chest cavity.
  88. Phosphor- A substance that exhibits the phenomenon of luminescence.
  89. Photochemistry- The branch of chemistry concerned with the chemical effects of light.
  90. Pollutant- A substance that contaminates the environment.
  91. Protozoa- Single-celled microscopic organisms that can be free-living or parasitic.
  92. Paramagnetism- The form of magnetism whereby certain materials are weakly attracted by an externally applied magnetic field.
  93. Purine- A type of organic molecule, commonly found in DNA and RNA.
  94. Perception- The process by which organisms interpret and organize sensory information.
  95. Piezoelectricity- Electric charge that accumulates in certain materials in response to applied mechanical stress.
  96. Phalanx- A bone of the finger or toe.
  97. Pulsation- A rhythmic throbbing or vibrating, e.g., in arteries or the heart.
  98. Phytoremediation- The use of plants to clean up soil, air, and water contaminated with hazardous contaminants.
  99. Polymerization- A chemical process that combines several monomers to form a polymer.
  100. Polygyny- A pattern of mating in which a male animal has more than one female mate.