Science Words That Start With R: Complete List

In this article, discover a comprehensive list of science-related words that start with the letter “R” to enhance your vocabulary and understanding.

  1. Radiation- Emission of energy as electromagnetic waves.
  2. Radioactivity- The emission of ionizing particles.
  3. Radiocarbon- Radioactive isotope of carbon used in dating.
  4. Radiation- Transfer of energy through space.
  5. Radicle- The part of a plant embryo that develops into the primary root.
  6. Radius- A line segment from the center of a circle to any point on its circumference.
  7. Reagent- A substance used in chemical reactions to detect, measure, or create other substances.
  8. Recombination- The rearrangement of genetic material.
  9. Refraction- Bending of light as it passes from one medium to another.
  10. Regeneration- The process of renewal or repair of tissues or organs.
  11. Relativity- A theory by Einstein about the interrelation of time and space.
  12. Replication- The process of copying DNA in a cell.
  13. Resonance- The enhancement of energy at a natural frequency.
  14. Revolution- The movement of an object in an orbit around another object.
  15. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)- A molecule essential for coding, decoding, regulation, and expression of genes.
  16. Richter Scale- A scale used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes.
  17. Ribonucleotide- A building block of RNA.
  18. Ribosome- A cellular structure that synthesizes proteins.
  19. Rift Valley- A large elongated depression with steep walls formed by the downward displacement of a block of the earth’s surface.
  20. Rifting- The process of the earth’s crust breaking apart.
  21. RNA Polymerase- An enzyme that produces RNA from a DNA template.
  22. Radio Telescope- An instrument used to detect radio waves from astronomical objects.
  23. Retrovirus- A type of virus that uses RNA as its genetic material.
  24. Rheology- The study of the flow of matter.
  25. Rhizome- A horizontal underground plant stem capable of producing the shoot and root systems of a new plant.
  26. Rhodopsin- A light-sensitive receptor protein found in the eye’s retina.
  27. Radiometric Dating- A method used to determine the age of an artifact by measuring its radioactive decay.
  28. Resilience- Ability of a material to absorb energy when deformed.
  29. Reservoir- A natural or artificial place where water is collected and stored.
  30. Reproductive System- The organs and glands in the body that aid in the production of new individuals.
  31. Rhombus- A four-sided shape with all sides having equal length.
  32. Ribozyme- An RNA molecule capable of acting as an enzyme.
  33. Riboflavin- A type of vitamin B2, essential for energy production.
  34. Radiograph- An image produced on a sensitive plate or film by X-rays.
  35. Radiosonde- A balloon-borne instrument used for measuring atmospheric parameters.
  36. Radiometer- An instrument for measuring the intensity or power of electromagnetic radiation.
  37. Rayleigh Scattering- Scattering of light or other electromagnetic radiation by particles much smaller than the wavelength of the radiation.
  38. Retrograde- Motion in the direction opposite to the rotation of the primary.
  39. Reflex- An involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus.
  40. Respiration- The process of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.
  41. Radiolucent- Allowing the passage of X-rays or other radiation.
  42. Radiopaque- Impenetrable by X-rays or other radiation.
  43. Reaction- A process in which substances interact and change into different substances.
  44. Red Shift- A shift towards longer wavelengths of the spectral lines emitted by an object moving away from the observer.
  45. Recessive- A gene that gets masked by a dominant gene.
  46. Rectifier- An electrical device that converts alternating current to direct current.
  47. Redox Reaction- A chemical reaction involving the transfer of electrons between two species.
  48. Recombination DNA- DNA that has been formed artificially by combining constituents from different organisms.
  49. Retina- The light-sensitive layer at the back of the eyeball.
  50. Rheostat- A variable resistor which is used to control current.
  51. Reproduction- The process of producing new organisms.
  52. Resistor- A device used to introduce resistance into an electrical circuit.
  53. Recrystallization- A process that describes the change of structure of a material.
  54. Reporter Gene- Gene used as a marker in molecular biology experiments.
  55. Respiratory System- The system involved in the intake and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  56. Retina- The light-sensitive layer at the back of the eyeball.
  57. Radula- A structure in the mouths of mollusks used for feeding.
  58. Rickets- A disease caused by Vitamin D deficiency that affects bone development in children.
  59. Rheumatoid Arthritis- An autoimmune disorder affecting the joints.
  60. Ribozyme- RNA that acts as an enzyme.
  61. Riemann Hypothesis- A conjecture about the distribution of prime numbers.
  62. Rod Cells- Photoreceptor cells in the retina of the eye.
  63. Retroreflector- A device that reflects light back to its source.
  64. Radiographic- Pertaining to the production of radiographs.
  65. Radiology- The science dealing with X-rays and other high-energy radiation.
  66. Rachis- The main axis of a compound structure, such as a feather or a plant.
  67. Radiant Energy- Energy that travels by waves or particles, particularly electromagnetic radiation.
  68. Rhodotaxis- Movement in response to red light.
  69. Rigor Mortis- The stiffening of the body after death.
  70. Rubella- A contagious viral infection preventable by vaccine.
  71. Radon- A radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer.
  72. Rostrum- A beak-like structure.
  73. Rugosity- The degree of roughness.
  74. Regolith- A layer of loose soil or debris covering solid rock.
  75. Radiosurgery- The use of precisely targeted radiation to treat tumors.
  76. Reovirus- A type of virus that infects the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts.
  77. Receptor- A protein molecule that receives and responds to a signal.
  78. Rabies- A viral disease that causes inflammation of the brain.
  79. Raman Spectroscopy- Technique used to observe vibrational, rotational, and other low-frequency modes in a system.
  80. Resonator- A device or system that oscillates at specific frequencies.
  81. Rate Law- An equation that relates the reaction rate with the concentrations of reactants.
  82. Reactivity- How readily a substance undergoes a chemical reaction.
  83. Regeneration- The process of renewal or growth.
  84. Residual Volume- The volume of air remaining in the lungs after maximum exhalation.
  85. Radiolysis- The dissociation of molecules by radiation.
  86. Rickardite- A copper telluride mineral.
  87. Remission- A period during which the symptoms of a disease decrease.
  88. Rotary- Involving rotation.
  89. Rhabdoid- Rod-like in shape.
  90. Reluctance- The opposition to magnetic flux.
  91. Reverberation- The persistence of sound after the source has stopped.
  92. Runoff- Water that flows over the surface of the ground.
  93. Reflection- The bouncing back of light from a surface.
  94. Reaction Time- The time elapsed between a stimulus and the response.
  95. Residual Stress- Internal stresses in a material after it has been manufactured.
  96. Receptor Field- The specific part of the world to which a sensory-neuron responds.
  97. Root Cap- A section of tissue at the tip of a plant root.
  98. Ruhr- Large river in western Germany, site of major industries and mining.
  99. Rogowski Coil- A toroidal coil used to measure alternating current.
  100. Radiant Flux- The total power of electromagnetic radiation.