Science Words that Start with V: Essential Terms Explained

Discover a comprehensive list of science-related words that start with the letter “V” to enhance your vocabulary and understanding.

  1. Vaccine – A biological preparation that provides immunity to a particular disease.
  2. Velocity – The speed of something in a given direction.
  3. Vector – An agent that carries and transmits an infectious pathogen.
  4. Vertebra – Any of the bones or segments comprising the spinal column.
  5. Viscosity – A measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow.
  6. Volt – The derived unit for electric potential, electric potential difference, and electromotive force.
  7. Vortex – A flow pattern of rotating motion within a fluid.
  8. Virus – A microscopic infectious agent replicating only inside the living cells of an organism.
  9. Vacuum – Space devoid of matter.
  10. Variance – A measure of the dispersion of a set of data points.
  11. Vibrio – A genus of bacteria, some of which cause foodborne infection.
  12. Van der Waals forces – Weak, short- range forces between molecules.
  13. Vapor – Gaseous state of a substance that is liquid at room temperature.
  14. Volatile – Easily evaporated at normal temperatures.
  15. Valence – The combining power of an element.
  16. Venom – A toxic substance produced by certain animals.
  17. Vascular – Pertaining to blood vessels.
  18. Virology – The study of viruses.
  19. Ventilation – The provision of fresh air to a space.
  20. Vesicle – A small membrane- bound sac within a cell.
  21. Valency – The measure of an atom’s ability to bond.
  22. Villi – Small fingerlike projections extending from the walls of the small intestine.
  23. Vocal cords – Folds of tissue that produce sound.
  24. Volcanic – Relating to or produced by a volcano.
  25. Viable – Capable of living or functioning.
  26. Vanadium – A chemical element with the symbol V.
  27. Vitreous humor – The clear gel that fills the eye.
  28. Ventral – Pertaining to the belly or front side of an organism.
  29. Void – An empty space.
  30. Vaporization – The process of turning from liquid into vapor.
  31. Volga – The longest river in Europe.
  32. Vegetation – Plants in general or the plant life of a particular area.
  33. Verification – The process of establishing the truth or accuracy of something.
  34. Vomer – A small, thin bone forming part of the nasal septum.
  35. Vibrations – Oscillations or repetitive movements.
  36. Violate – To break or fail to comply with a rule.
  37. Visual – Related to seeing or sight.
  38. Valine – An essential amino acid.
  39. Vespucci – Refers to Amerigo Vespucci, noted for exploring the Americas.
  40. Vestibule – An entryway or antechamber.
  41. Vomeronasal organ – A part of the olfactory system involved in detecting pheromones.
  42. Venus – The second planet from the Sun.
  43. Vapor pressure – The pressure of a vapor in contact with its liquid or solid form.
  44. Viscera – The internal organs of the body.
  45. Velvet – A closely woven fabric of soft texture.
  46. Vitis – A genus of plants including grapes.
  47. Von Neumann architecture – A computing system where data and program are stored in the same memory.
  48. Vexillology – The study of flags.
  49. Vaccination – Injection to produce immunity against a disease.
  50. Vagal – Pertaining to the vagus nerve.
  51. Vigna – A genus of plants often used in agriculture.
  52. Valve – A device controlling the flow of liquid or gas.
  53. Vinification – The process of making wine.
  54. Vascular bundle – Part of the transport system in vascular plants.
  55. Ventricle – One of two large chambers in the heart.
  56. Vector quantity – A quantity having both magnitude and direction.
  57. Vibration isolation – The process of isolating an object from vibrational energy.
  58. Valvuloplasty – Repair of a heart valve.
  59. Variable – Any factor that can be controlled or changed in an experiment.
  60. Ventricle system – A set of structures in the brain.
  61. Vanillin – A compound used as a flavoring agent.
  62. Viscera – Internal organs located within the main cavities of the body.
  63. Volumetric – Pertaining to the measurement of volume.
  64. Visual acuity – The clarity of vision.
  65. Virulent – Extremely severe or harmful.
  66. Vibrio cholerae – The bacteria that causes cholera.
  67. Vascular plant – A plant that has a specialized conducting system for transporting nutrients and water.
  68. Vernal equinox – The moment of spring when the sun is directly above the equator.
  69. Vasopressin – A hormone that regulates water balance in the body.
  70. Voltage – The electric potential difference measured in volts.
  71. Variometer – An instrument for measuring variations in altitude.
  72. Vector field – A field that assigns a vector to every point in a subset of space.
  73. Value – The relative worth or importance of something.
  74. Vibrio vulnificus – A species of bacteria that can cause severe infection.
  75. Voice box – The larynx, containing the vocal cords.
  76. Ventricle – A fluid- filled cavity.
  77. Volcanism – The phenomenon of eruption of molten rock onto the surface.
  78. Vaginitis – Inflammation of the vagina.
  79. Vena cava – A large vein carrying deoxygenated blood to the heart.
  80. VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) – A subnetwork that can group together collections of devices.
  81. Vestibular system – Structures within the ear involved in balance.
  82. Vibration spectrum – The range of frequencies of oscillation.
  83. Virion – A complete virus particle.
  84. Velocity- time graph – A graph showing the relationship between velocity and time.
  85. Ventilator – A machine that supports breathing.
  86. Vertebrate – An animal with a backbone.
  87. Void ratio – The ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of solids in a soil.
  88. Vibrio parahaemolyticus – A microorganism causing gastrointestinal illness.
  89. Velocity dispersion – The range of velocities around a central value.
  90. Vulnerable – Susceptible to physical or emotional harm.
  91. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) – Technology allowing voice communication over the internet.
  92. Villus – A small, fingerlike projection in the small intestine.
  93. Von Willebrand factor – A protein critical for blood clotting.
  94. Vascularity – The extent to which tissue is supplied with blood vessels.
  95. Volatility – The measure of how readily a substance vaporizes.
  96. Vasoconstriction – The narrowing of blood vessels.
  97. Vena cava – A large vein carrying blood to the right atrium of the heart.
  98. Ventilatory drive – The neurological stimulus to breathe.
  99. Vorticity – The state of a fluid in which it is moving in a vortical motion.