Science Words That Start With W

If you’re looking for science words that start with “W,” this article will provide you with an extensive list to boost your vocabulary.

  1. Water- A transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance, vital for all known forms of life.
  2. Watt- A unit of power in the International System of Units, equivalent to one joule per second.
  3. Wavelength- The distance between successive crests of a wave, especially points in a sound wave or electromagnetic wave.
  4. Weather- The state of the atmosphere at a place and time, including factors such as temperature, humidity, and precipitation.
  5. Weight- A body’s relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving rise to a downward force; the heaviness of a person or thing.
  6. Weld- Join together (metal parts) by heating the surfaces to the point of melting and then pressing them together.
  7. Whirling- Moving rapidly around and around.
  8. Wick- A strip of porous material up which liquid fuel is drawn by capillary action to the flame in a lamp, lighter, candle, etc.
  9. Wildlife- Animals living and plants growing in their natural environment.
  10. Wind- The perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction.
  11. Winnow- Blow a current of air through (grain) in order to remove the chaff.
  12. Wood- The hard, fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub.
  13. Work- Activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.
  14. Worm- Any of various slender, soft-bodied animals having a greatly elongated body.
  15. Wave- A long body of water curling into an arched form and breaking on the shore.
  16. X- ray – A form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to light but of shorter wavelength, capable of penetrating solids and of ionizing gases.
  17. Wattmeter- An instrument for measuring the power in watts of an electrical circuit.
  18. Wavenumber- The number of wavelengths per unit distance, usually measured in reciprocal centimeters.
  19. Weak force- A fundamental force of nature that is responsible for radioactive decay in subatomic particles.
  20. Whirlpool- A rapidly rotating mass of water in a river or sea into which objects may be drawn, typically caused by the meeting of conflicting currents.
  21. Wetland- Land consisting of marshes or swamps; saturated land.
  22. Whey- The liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained.
  23. Wren- A small short-winged songbird found chiefly in the New World.
  24. Woodpecker- A bird known for its pecking behavior to find food or create nesting sites in trees.
  25. Walleye- A species of freshwater fish with pike-like morphology and large, light-sensitive eyes.
  26. Waste- Unwanted or unusable materials, substances, or byproducts.
  27. Wound- An injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or other impact.
  28. Wisp- A small, thin, or twisted bunch, piece, or amount of something.
  29. Weathering- The process of wearing away or changing the appearance or texture of something by long exposure to the air.
  30. Whisker- One of the long, stiff, tactile hairs growing around the mouth or elsewhere on the face of many mammals.
  31. Wear- Cause to become thin, damaged, or weak due to use.
  32. Waveform- The shape and form of a signal such as a wave moving in a physical medium.
  33. Wheel- A circular object that revolves on an axle and forms part of a machine.
  34. Weldment- A unit composed of an assembly of pieces welded together.
  35. Warp- To become or cause to become bent or twisted out of shape.
  36. Walnut- A large hard-shelled oval nut with an edible kernel.
  37. Wohlerite- A rare silicate mineral with a complex composition that includes elements like sodium and zirconium.
  38. Wolfram- Another name for tungsten, a heavy, gray-white metallic element used mainly in electrical applications and as a metal alloy.
  39. Workbench- A sturdy table at which manual work is done by a craftsman.
  40. Whispering gallery- A place, usually in the form of a dome or a circular building, where a sound can travel across the surface, allowing a whisper to be heard clearly across long distances.
  41. Wrinkle- A small line or fold in something, especially fabric or the skin, typically one that forms as a natural part of the aging process.
  42. Wien’s displacement law- A law of physics stating that the black-body radiation curve for different temperatures peaks at a wavelength inversely proportional to the temperature.
  43. Windchill- The lowering of body temperature due to the passing-flow of lower-temperature air.
  44. Waist- The part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips.
  45. Windowsill- A shelf forming the bottom part of a window.
  46. Woodworm- The larva of a wood-boring beetle that bores into and damages wood.
  47. Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)- A technology in fiber optic communications that multiplexes multiple optical carrier signals on a single optical fiber by using different wavelengths of laser light.
  48. Weber (Wb)- The derived unit of magnetic flux in the International System of Units.
  49. Water table- The level below which the ground is saturated with water.
  50. Work function- The minimum energy needed to remove an electron from the surface of a material.
  51. White dwarf- A small, very dense star that is typically the size of a planet.
  52. Whiting- A common name for various species of fish.
  53. Wnt signaling pathway- A complex network of proteins that play essential roles in embryogenesis and cancer.
  54. Wrack- Seaweed or debris washed onto the shore.
  55. Wind shear- A variance in wind speed and direction over a short distance in the atmosphere.
  56. Walled lake- A type of lake known for having a defined set of boundaries, often created naturally or artificially.
  57. Waveguide- A structure that guides waves, such as electromagnetic waves, to transmit signals with minimal loss of energy.
  58. Watershed- An area or ridge of land that separates waters flowing to different rivers, basins, or seas.
  59. Wooden- Made of wood.
  60. Whalebone- A substance obtained from the mouth of the whale, used for various purposes.
  61. Water cycle- The cycle of processes by which water circulates between the earth’s oceans, atmosphere, and land.
  62. Window- An opening in the wall or roof of a building or vehicle, fitted with glass.
  63. Wobble- Move unsteadily from side to side.
  64. Walkway- A passage or path for walking along, especially a raised passageway.
  65. Wearproof- Resistant to wear.
  66. Wavefunction- A mathematical description of the quantum state of an isolated quantum system.
  67. Wolframite- A brown-to-black mineral that is the chief ore of tungsten.
  68. Wormhole- A hypothetical tunnel connecting two different points in spacetime.
  69. Water vapor- The gaseous phase of water.
  70. Windmill- A structure that converts wind energy into rotational energy.
  71. Whip- A flexible, often long weapon or tool.
  72. Waterfall- A cascade of water falling from a height.
  73. Watertight- Impervious to water.
  74. Whiteout- A weather condition in which visibility and contrast are severely reduced.
  75. Wavefront- The leading edge of a moving wave.
  76. Wheelbase- The distance between the front and rear axles of a vehicle.
  77. Wildlife conservation- The practice of protecting animal species and their habitats.
  78. Wet cell- A type of battery that uses a liquid electrolyte.
  79. Walrus- A large marine mammal with tusks.
  80. Watt- hour – A unit of energy equivalent to one watt of power used for one hour.
  81. Waypoint- A set of coordinates that identify a point in physical space.
  82. Wallaroo- A large species of kangaroo.
  83. Woodchuck- A large ground squirrel known as a marmot.
  84. Weld nugget- The region in the spot weld where the metal is melted and fused together.
  85. Waterborne- Transported or spread by water.
  86. Wafer- A thin slice of semiconductor material used in electronics.
  87. Warm- blooded – Having a body temperature that is relatively constant and independent of the temperature of the surroundings.
  88. Walleye- A freshwater fish species with light-sensitive eyes.
  89. Wavelength shifting- Process in which the wavelength of radiation emitted by a luminescent material is shifted to a different value.
  90. Weather balloon- A high-altitude balloon used to measure atmospheric conditions.
  91. Warp drive- A hypothetical faster-than-light propulsion system.
  92. Wittering- Continuous talking.
  93. Water column- A conceptual column of water from surface to bottom sediments.
  94. Wheatstone bridge- An electrical circuit used to measure an unknown electrical resistance.
  95. White paper- An authoritative report or guide on a specific topic.
  96. Wi- Fi – A technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a wireless LAN.
  97. WiMAX- A family of wireless communication standards for high-speed mobile data.
  98. Wet season- The season characterized by high rainfall and humidity.
  99. Wigner effect- The displacement of atoms in a solid caused by neutron radiation.
  100. Whooping crane- A large North American bird known for its distinctive call and endangered status.