In this article, you’ll find a list of short words that start with the letter O to enhance your vocabulary.
- Oak- A type of tree.
- Oar- A tool for rowing.
- Oat- A type of grain.
- Odd- Strange or unusual.
- Off- Away or distant.
- Ohm- Unit of electrical resistance.
- Oil- A greasy liquid.
- Old- Having existed for a long time.
- One- A single unit.
- Ono- Type of fish.
- Ont- Abbreviation for ontology.
- Orb- Spherical object.
- Ore- Mineral from which metal is extracted.
- Our- Belonging to us.
- Out- Away from inside.
- Owl- Nocturnal bird.
- Own- Possess.
- Ox- A domesticated bovine.
- Oxy- Prefix for something containing oxygen.
- Ode- A type of poem.
- Opt- To choose.
- Oak- Dense hardwood tree.
- Oboe- A woodwind instrument.
- Omit- To leave out.
- Oral- Related to the mouth.
- Oval- Rounded, egg-shaped.
- Oven- Appliance for baking.
- Onyx- A gemstone.
- Opal- A precious gemstone.
- Only- Single one in a category.
- Obey- To follow commands.
- Oily- Covered with oil.
- Oops- Exclamation of error.
- Omph- Interjection expressing disdain.
- Ogam- Ancient script.
- Oxen- Plural of ox.
- Open- Not closed.
- Ogre- Mythical monster.
- Ogle- To stare at.
- Over- Above or higher than.
- Obit- Death notice.
- Onto- Moving to a location.
- Omni- Prefix meaning all.
- Oust- To remove.
- Oscar- Award for movie excellence.
- Opps- Interjection of a mistake.
- Obvi- Short for obvious.
- Oven- Enclosed cooking appliance.
- Ogam- Ancient Irish script.
- Obit- Death notice in a newspaper.
- Onto- To a position on.
- Opus- Work of art or music.
- Otto- Given name.
- Oops- Mistake exclamation.
- Ogle- Look amorously.
- Over- Above in position.
- Obey- To comply with commands.
- Open- Not shut or closed.
- Opal- Gemstone with iridescence.
- Only- Solely, no more than.
- Oxen- Plural of ox.
- Onus- Burden or responsibility.
- Otos- Misspelling of otis.
- Odes- Lyric poems.
- Oval- Elliptical or egg-shaped.
- Otto- Male first name.
- Omit- To exclude.
- Ogle- To stare with desire.
- Open- Not closed.
- Oars- Rowing tools.
- Ower- One who owes.
- Opal- Type of gem.
- Onyx- Type of precious stone.
- Odor- Smell or scent.
- Ogle- To look at flirtatiously.
- Once- One time.
- Oaks- Type of trees.
- Oars- Tools for rowing.
- Orbit- Path of celestial object.
- Obst- Short for obstacle.
- Order- Command or arrangement.
- Otis- Personal name.
- Oven- Baking appliance.
- Ommi- Variant of omni.
- Opera- Musical drama.
- Outer- Located on the outside.
- Ozone- Triatomic oxygen.
- Owner- Possessor.
- Offer- Proposal.
- Other- Different from.
- Optic- Related to vision.
- Olive- Type of fruit.
- Ought- Should.
- Ogre- Mythical creature.
- Onset- Beginning.
- Ombre- Shade or tone.
- Ovoid- Egg-shaped.
- Olio- Mixture or medley.
- Otter- Aquatic mammal.
- Oasis- Water source in desert.