Spanish Words That Start With A: Complete List and Meanings

In this article, you’ll discover a variety of Spanish words that begin with the letter “A,” enhancing your vocabulary and understanding of the language.

  1. Amor- Love
  2. Amistad- Friendship
  3. Árbol- Tree
  4. Agua- Water
  5. Arena- Sand
  6. Ardilla- Squirrel
  7. Azul- Blue
  8. Abeja- Bee
  9. Abogado- Lawyer
  10. Abrigo- Coat
  11. Abuela- Grandmother
  12. Abuelo- Grandfather
  13. Águila- Eagle
  14. Aire- Air
  15. Almohada- Pillow
  16. Alumno- Student
  17. Amanecer- Dawn
  18. Amarillo- Yellow
  19. Amigo- Friend
  20. Anillo- Ring
  21. Anteojos- Glasses
  22. Año- Year
  23. Aprender- To learn
  24. Arco- Arch
  25. Arena- Arena
  26. Arroz- Rice
  27. Arte- Art
  28. Artista- Artist
  29. Asistir- To attend
  30. Aula- Classroom
  31. Aventura- Adventure
  32. Azúcar- Sugar
  33. Avión- Airplane
  34. Aceite- Oil
  35. Acera- Sidewalk
  36. Acuerdo- Agreement
  37. Adivinar- To guess
  38. Admirar- To admire
  39. Adorno- Ornament
  40. Adulto- Adult
  41. Afecto- Affection
  42. África- Africa
  43. Agenda- Agenda
  44. Agente- Agent
  45. Agrio- Sour
  46. Ahora- Now
  47. Ajo- Garlic
  48. Alacrán- Scorpion
  49. Alba- Dawn
  50. Alcalde- Mayor
  51. Alcohol- Alcohol
  52. Aldea- Village
  53. Alegría- Happiness
  54. Alejar- To move away
  55. Alga- Algae
  56. Algo- Something
  57. Algún- Some
  58. Aliado- Ally
  59. Almuerzo- Lunch
  60. Alquilar- To rent
  61. Altura- Height
  62. Aluminio- Aluminum
  63. Amar- To love
  64. Ambiente- Environment
  65. Ambulancia- Ambulance
  66. Amén- Amen
  67. América- America
  68. Amigable- Friendly
  69. Amuleto- Amulet
  70. Análisis- Analysis
  71. Anciano- Elderly
  72. Andar- To walk
  73. Ángel- Angel
  74. Ángulo- Angle
  75. Ancho- Width
  76. Anclar- To anchor
  77. Anécdota- Anecdote
  78. Anemia- Anemia
  79. Animar- To encourage
  80. Anochecer- Dusk
  81. Antes- Before
  82. Antorcha- Torch
  83. Año- Year
  84. Ansiedad- Anxiety
  85. Antena- Antenna
  86. Antílope- Antelope
  87. Anuncio- Advertisement
  88. Apatía- Apathy
  89. Apego- Attachment
  90. Apio- Celery
  91. Aplicar- To apply
  92. Apreciar- To appreciate
  93. Aprender- To learn
  94. Aprobar- To approve
  95. Apto- Suitable
  96. Araña- Spider
  97. Arco- Bow
  98. Área- Area
  99. Argumento- Argument
  100. Armonía- Harmony