Spanish Words That Start With F

In this article, discover a comprehensive list of Spanish words that start with the letter “F”.

  1. Fábula- Fable
  2. Faena- Task
  3. Fachada- Facade
  4. Facción- Faction
  5. Facultad- Faculty
  6. Faena- Work
  7. Fauna- Wildlife
  8. Fárfara- Coltsfoot (plant)
  9. Fase- Phase
  10. Fatal- Fatal
  11. Federación- Federation
  12. Felicidad- Happiness
  13. Feminismo- Feminism
  14. Fértil- Fertile
  15. Festival- Festival
  16. Feudal- Feudal
  17. Ficción- Fiction
  18. Fiera- Wild beast
  19. Filosofía- Philosophy
  20. Finanza- Finance
  21. Fisco- Treasury
  22. Filosofar- To philosophize
  23. Firmamento- Firmament
  24. Fisura- Fissure
  25. Flamenco- Flamenco (dance)
  26. Flan- Flan (dessert)
  27. Flecha- Arrow
  28. Flores- Flowers
  29. Flotar- To float
  30. Fobia- Phobia
  31. Folclore- Folklore
  32. Fondo- Bottom
  33. Forma- Shape
  34. Foro- Forum
  35. Fortalecer- To strengthen
  36. Fragancia- Fragrance
  37. Fragmento- Fragment
  38. Fraile- Friar
  39. Franja- Stripe
  40. Francia- France
  41. Frecuencia- Frequency
  42. Frío- Cold
  43. Frontera- Border
  44. Fruta- Fruit
  45. Fuego- Fire
  46. Fuente- Fountain
  47. Fuerza- Strength
  48. Fuga- Escape
  49. Funeraria- Funeral home
  50. Furia- Fury
  51. Fútbol- Soccer
  52. Furtivo- Furtive
  53. Fusión- Fusion
  54. Fantasma- Ghost
  55. Farsa- Farce
  56. Férreo- Iron
  57. Fijar- To fix
  58. Flagrante- Flagrant
  59. Flema- Phlegm
  60. Flexión- Flexion
  61. Formidable- Formidable
  62. Frivolidad- Frivolity
  63. Frustrar- To frustrate
  64. Fuente- Source
  65. Fusible- Fuse
  66. Felino- Feline
  67. Frescura- Freshness
  68. Fiebre- Fever
  69. Fogata- Bonfire
  70. Filamento- Filament
  71. Fletar- To charter
  72. Forjar- To forge
  73. Fortuito- Fortuitous
  74. Fulgor- Brightness
  75. Futilidad- Futility
  76. Finiquito- Severance
  77. Fertilizante- Fertilizer
  78. Ferrocarril- Railroad
  79. Flequillo- Bangs (hair)
  80. Francachela- Spree
  81. Familia- Family
  82. Femenino- Feminine
  83. Fidelidad- Fidelity
  84. Fascinar- To fascinate
  85. Fletamento- Chartering
  86. Filantrópico- Philanthropic
  87. Fotografía- Photography
  88. Flamante- Brand new
  89. Freír- To fry
  90. Fogón- Stove
  91. Fruncir- To frown
  92. Fichar- To sign up
  93. Fiebre- Fever
  94. Formar- To form
  95. Fractura- Fracture
  96. Funcionario- Official
  97. Frágil- Fragile
  98. Fugitivo- Fugitive
  99. Fonético- Phonetic
  100. Fordismo- Fordism