Spanish Words That Start With G: Enhance Your Vocabulary Easily

Discover a variety of Spanish words that start with the letter “G” and enhance your vocabulary for better communication and understanding.

  1. Gafas- glasses
  2. Galaxia- galaxy
  3. Gallo- rooster
  4. Ganar- to win
  5. Ganso- goose
  6. Garaje- garage
  7. Garra- claw
  8. Garza- heron
  9. Gasolina- gasoline
  10. Gasto- expense
  11. Gatito- kitten
  12. Gato- cat
  13. Gel- gel
  14. Gemelo- twin
  15. Genio- genius
  16. Gente- people
  17. Geranio- geranium
  18. Gesto- gesture
  19. Gigante- giant
  20. Ginebra- gin
  21. Girasol- sunflower
  22. Giratorio- revolving
  23. Gitano- gypsy
  24. Globo- balloon
  25. Glorieta- roundabout
  26. Glucosa- glucose
  27. Gobernar- to govern
  28. Gol- goal (in sports)
  29. Golfo- gulf
  30. Goloso- greedy (for food/sweets)
  31. Goma- eraser or rubber
  32. Gorila- gorilla
  33. Gorra- cap
  34. Gorro- hat
  35. Gota- drop (of liquid)
  36. Gotera- leak
  37. Gozar- to enjoy
  38. Grabar- to record
  39. Gracia- grace
  40. GraduaciĆ³n- graduation
  41. Grafito- graphite
  42. Gramo- gram
  43. Gran- great (as a prefix)
  44. Granja- farm
  45. Grano- grain or pimple
  46. Grasa- fat or grease
  47. Gratis- free (no cost)
  48. Gravedad- gravity
  49. Grave- serious
  50. Grifo- faucet
  51. Grillo- cricket (insect)
  52. Gris- gray
  53. Grito- shout
  54. Grosero- rude
  55. Guante- glove
  56. Guardar- to keep or save
  57. Guardia- guard
  58. Guerra- war
  59. Guerrero- warrior
  60. Guiar- to guide
  61. Guita- string or slang for money
  62. Guitarra- guitar
  63. Gula- gluttony
  64. Gusano- worm
  65. Gustar- to like
  66. Gusto- taste or pleasure

This list provides a diverse range of everyday and specialized Spanish words beginning with the letter ‘G,’ covering both nouns and verbs, as well as some adjectives.