Spanish Words that Start with J: List and Examples

In this article, you’ll find a comprehensive list of Spanish words that start with the letter “j” along with their meanings and examples.

  1. Jabalí- Wild boar
  2. Jabón- Soap
  3. Jacarandá- Jacaranda (tree)
  4. Jactancia- Boastfulness
  5. Jadeo- Panting
  6. Jadear- To pant
  7. Jalea- Jelly
  8. Jalón- Tug
  9. Jamón- Ham
  10. Jangada- Raft
  11. Jarra- Pitcher
  12. Jarrón- Vase
  13. Jazmín- Jasmine
  14. Jaula- Cage
  15. Jauría- Pack of hounds
  16. Jefe- Boss
  17. Jeque- Sheikh
  18. Jeringa- Syringe
  19. Jeringuilla- Small syringe
  20. Jeta- Snout, face (informal)
  21. Jesus- Jesus (name)
  22. Jilguero- Goldfinch
  23. Jinete- Rider, jockey
  24. Jirafa- Giraffe
  25. Jirón- Tatter, shred
  26. Jóven- Young
  27. Jubilación- Retirement
  28. Jubilar- To retire
  29. Juguete- Toy
  30. Juguetón- Playful
  31. Jugo- Juice
  32. Jugoso- Juicy
  33. Jugar- To play
  34. Juicio- Judgement, trial
  35. Juez- Judge
  36. Juventud- Youth
  37. Jubiloso- Joyful
  38. Jota- J (letter), jota (dance)
  39. Jornal- Day’s wage
  40. Jornado- Journey
  41. Joya- Jewel
  42. Joyero- Jeweler
  43. Judía- Bean, Jew (female)
  44. Judío- Jewish, Jew (male)
  45. Judicial- Judicial
  46. Juez- Judge
  47. Jugador- Player
  48. Juglar- Minstrel
  49. Jugo- Juice
  50. Juventud- Youth
  51. Jumbo- Jumbo
  52. Jurado- Jury
  53. Juramento- Oath
  54. Jurásico- Jurassic
  55. Jurisdicción- Jurisdiction
  56. Justo- Just, fair
  57. Justicia- Justice
  58. Juventud- Youth
  59. Juventudes- Youths
  60. Juan- John
  61. Juana- Joan
  62. Júbilo- Joy
  63. Juventino- Related to youth
  64. Juvenil- Juvenile
  65. Jubón- Doublet
  66. Jugada- Move, play
  67. Jugadora- Female player
  68. Juguetero- Toy maker or seller
  69. Jueves- Thursday
  70. Juventud- Youth
  71. Joven- Young
  72. Jubilador- Retirer
  73. Joven anciano- Young elder
  74. Juerga- Party
  75. Justiciero- Avenger
  76. Jaranero- Reveler
  77. Jaretón- Large hem
  78. Jarcar- To tear
  79. Jácara- Ballad
  80. Judías- Beans
  81. Jaque- Check (chess)
  82. Jamelgo- Nag (horse)
  83. Jalonar- To mark
  84. Jamba- Jamb
  85. Jamuga- Palanquin
  86. Jarea- Dry fish
  87. Jarocho- From Veracruz
  88. Jacobeo- Related to Saint James
  89. Jamelgo- Skinny horse
  90. Javit- A kind of dance
  91. Jebuseo- Jebusite
  92. Jeppe- Nickname
  93. Jerarca- Hierarch
  94. Jeep- Jeep
  95. Jícara- Cocoa cup
  96. Jordanes- Jordanians
  97. Jornales- Daily wages
  98. Jactado- Vaunted
  99. Jaspe- Jasper
  100. Jadeante- Panting