In this article, you will discover a list of Spanish words that start with the letter ‘R’, enhancing your vocabulary and comprehension of the language.
- Rana- Frog
- Río- River
- Rojo- Red
- Ropa- Clothes
- Reloj- Watch or clock
- Rueda- Wheel
- Ratón- Mouse
- Risotto- Type of Italian dish rice
- Rey- King
- Reina- Queen
- Rascar- To scratch
- Resfriado- Cold (illness)
- Rincón- Corner
- Rubio- Blonde
- Rico- Rich or tasty
- Real- Royal or real
- Raíz- Root
- Rama- Branch
- Receta- Recipe
- Rueda- Wheel
- Recibir- To receive
- Regalo- Gift
- Reparar- To repair
- Respeto- Respect
- Responsable- Responsible
- Reír- To laugh
- Roer- To gnaw
- Rugido- Roar
- Roncar- To snore
- Rotar- To rotate
- Roto- Broken
- Rugoso- Rough
- Rápido- Fast
- Rotundo- Emphatic or round
- Rebanada- Slice
- Relleno- Filling or stuffed
- Risueño- Smiling or cheerful
- Retrato- Portrait
- Retroceder- To go back, retreat
- Rozar- To brush or graze
- Rastro- Trace or track
- Repaso- Review
- Rendija- Slit or crack
- Rizado- Curly
- Recipiente- Container
- Risotto- Creamy Italian rice dish
- Rotura- Breakage
- Rígido- Rigid
- Remoto- Remote
- Resumen- Summary
- Receso- Recess or break
- Regresar- To return
- Relieve- Relief (geographical)
- Ramera- Prostitute
- Retazo- Scrap, piece
- Ronda- Round (in games), patrol
- Reclamo- Claim, demand
- Rebanar- To slice
- Reflejo- Reflection, reflex
- Rito- Ritual
- Ritmo- Rhythm
- Ruedo- Bullring
- Rival- Rival
- Roma- Rome
- Ramera- Prostitute
- Raudo- Swift
- Robusto- Robust, sturdy
- Rocoso- Rocky
- Rodilla- Knee
- Rodar- To roll
- Ruido- Noise
- Ruido- Noise
- Rubor- Blush
- Rugir- To roar
- Rincón- Corner
- Revolución- Revolution
- Rima- Rhyme
- Régimen- Regime, diet
- Rellenar- To fill out or stuff
- Respuesta- Answer or response
- Resbalar- To slip
- Rescatar- To rescue
- Resalte- Highlight
- Reacio- Reluctant
- Rigor- Rigor
- Ritual- Ritual
- Rascacielos- Skyscraper
- Robar- To steal
- Renovar- To renew
- Reciclar- To recycle
- Retirar- To withdraw or retire
- Revelar- To reveal
- Revisar- To review, check
- Refugio- Refuge, shelter
- Relajado- Relaxed
- Rutina- Routine
- Renacer- To be reborn
- Remolino- Whirlpool, swirl
- Radiante- Radiant
- Recreo- Recreation, break