Spanish Words That Start With V: List and Examples

In this article, you’ll find a comprehensive list of Spanish words that start with the letter V, along with their meanings to expand your vocabulary and language skills.

  1. Vaca- Cow
  2. Vacaciones- Vacation
  3. Vacante- Vacancy
  4. Vaciar- To empty
  5. Vacio- Empty
  6. Vaga- Lazy
  7. Vagabundo- Vagabond
  8. Vagar- To wander
  9. Vajilla- Crockery
  10. Valer- To be worth
  11. Valiente- Brave
  12. Valle- Valley
  13. Valor- Value
  14. Valorar- To value
  15. Válvula- Valve
  16. Vano- Vain
  17. Vapor- Steam
  18. Vara- Rod
  19. Variable- Variable
  20. Variación- Variation
  21. Varios- Several
  22. Varón- Male
  23. Vasija- Vessel
  24. Vaso- Glass
  25. Vástago- Stem
  26. Vaya- Go
  27. Vecino- Neighbor
  28. Vegetal- Vegetable
  29. Velo- Veil
  30. Vena- Vein
  31. Vencer- To defeat
  32. Vendedor- Seller
  33. Vendaval- Gale
  34. Vender- To sell
  35. Veneno- Poison
  36. Venir- To come
  37. Ventaja- Advantage
  38. Ventana- Window
  39. Ventura- Fortune
  40. Ver- To see
  41. Verano- Summer
  42. Veraz- Truthful
  43. Verbo- Verb
  44. Verde- Green
  45. Vereda- Path
  46. Vergonzoso- Shameful
  47. Verificar- To verify
  48. Verso- Verse
  49. Versátil- Versatile
  50. Vestido- Dress
  51. Veterano- Veteran
  52. Vez- Time
  53. Viaje- Trip
  54. Víbora- Viper
  55. Vicio- Vice
  56. Víctima- Victim
  57. Vida- Life
  58. Vidrio- Glass
  59. Viento- Wind
  60. Viernes- Friday
  61. Viga- Beam
  62. Vigente- Valid
  63. Vigilar- To watch over
  64. Vigor- Strength
  65. Vil- Vile
  66. Villa- Town
  67. Vincular- To link
  68. Vindicar- To vindicate
  69. Vino- Wine
  70. Violencia- Violence
  71. Violín- Violin
  72. Virar- To turn
  73. Virgen- Virgin
  74. Virtud- Virtue
  75. Virus- Virus
  76. Visita- Visit
  77. Víspera- Eve
  78. Vista- Sight
  79. Visual- Visual
  80. Vital- Vital
  81. Vitamina- Vitamin
  82. Vivaracho- Lively
  83. Vivaz- Vivacious
  84. Vivero- Nursery
  85. Vivo- Alive
  86. Volar- To fly
  87. Volcán- Volcano
  88. Volumen- Volume
  89. Voluntad- Will
  90. Volver- To return
  91. Voraz- Voracious
  92. Voz- Voice
  93. Vuelo- Flight
  94. Vuelta- Return
  95. Vulgar- Common
  96. Vuelta- Turn

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