Spanish Words That Start with V with English Translation

In this article, you’ll find a comprehensive list of Spanish words that start with “v” along with their English translations.

  1. Vaca- Cow
  2. Vagar- Wander
  3. Vainilla- Vanilla
  4. Valor- Value
  5. Vampiro- Vampire
  6. Vaso- Glass
  7. Vasto- Vast
  8. Vecindario- Neighborhood
  9. Vecino- Neighbor
  10. Vegetal- Vegetable
  11. Vehículo- Vehicle
  12. Vela- Candle
  13. Velero- Sailboat
  14. Velocidad- Speed
  15. Vendedor- Seller
  16. Vendimia- Harvest
  17. Veneno- Poison
  18. Venganza- Revenge
  19. Venir- Come
  20. Ventana- Window
  21. Ventilador- Fan
  22. Ventilación- Ventilation
  23. Ventaja- Advantage
  24. Ver- See
  25. Verano- Summer
  26. Verdad- Truth
  27. Verdadero- True
  28. Verde- Green
  29. Vergüenza- Shame
  30. Verso- Verse
  31. Versátil- Versatile
  32. Vestido- Dress
  33. Vestir- Dress
  34. Veterano- Veteran
  35. Viajero- Traveler
  36. Viaje- Journey
  37. Víbora- Viper
  38. Vicario- Vicar
  39. Vicio- Vice
  40. Víctima- Victim
  41. Victoria- Victory
  42. Vigilante- Guard
  43. Vigilar- Watch
  44. Vigor- Vigor
  45. Vino- Wine
  46. Violín- Violin
  47. Violencia- Violence
  48. Violento- Violent
  49. Violador- Rapist
  50. Violación- Violation
  51. Virtud- Virtue
  52. Visionario- Visionary
  53. Visión- Vision
  54. Visita- Visit
  55. Visitante- Visitor
  56. Vivienda- Housing
  57. Vivir- Live
  58. Vivo- Alive
  59. Volar- Fly
  60. Volcán- Volcano
  61. Volumen- Volume
  62. Voluntad- Will
  63. Voluntario- Volunteer
  64. Volver- Return
  65. Votar- Vote
  66. Voz- Voice
  67. Vuelo- Flight
  68. Vuelta- Turn
  69. Vulnerable- Vulnerable
  70. Vuelo- Flight
  71. Vuelta- Turn
  72. Vidente- Seer
  73. Volante- Steering wheel
  74. Vértigo- Vertigo
  75. Viaducto- Viaduct
  76. Verbena- Verbena
  77. Vigilancia- Surveillance
  78. Vigoroso- Vigorous
  79. Volátil- Volatile
  80. Verificación- Verification
  81. Viruela- Smallpox
  82. Vicioso- Addicted
  83. Vagabundo- Homeless
  84. Venerar- Venerate
  85. Viento- Wind
  86. Vida- Life
  87. Vianda- Food
  88. Vendedor- Seller
  89. Valiente- Brave
  90. Vulnerar- Harm
  91. Velar- Watch over
  92. Vereda- Sidewalk
  93. Valoración- Evaluation
  94. Venidero- Upcoming
  95. Vigorizar- Invigorate
  96. Valija- Suitcase
  97. Viejo- Old
  98. Vajilla- Tableware
  99. Volcánico- Volcanic