In this article, you will discover a comprehensive list of Spanish words that contain the letter “L,” enhancing your vocabulary and language skills.
- Lápiz- Pencil
- Libro- Book
- Luna- Moon
- Luz- Light
- Leopardo- Leopard
- Llave- Key
- León- Lion
- Loro- Parrot
- Lluvia- Rain
- Llama- Flame/Call
- Lancha- Boat
- Línea- Line
- Lámpara- Lamp
- Lago- Lake
- Lengua- Tongue/Language
- Limón- Lemon
- Leche- Milk
- Lavadora- Washing machine
- Libre- Free
- Largo- Long
- Listo- Ready/Clever
- Local- Local/Place
- Lento- Slow
- Llevar- To carry/To wear
- Leer- To read
- Luchar- To fight
- Limpiar- To clean
- Llegar- To arrive
- Llenar- To fill
- Levantar- To raise/Lift
- Lograr- To achieve
- Lanzar- To launch/Throw
- Lamer- To lick
- Ladrón- Thief
- Lucha- Fight
- Lección- Lesson
- Licor- Liquor
- Labor- Work/Task
- Lujoso- Luxurious
- Ligero- Light/Not heavy
- Límite- Limit
- Letra- Letter (of the alphabet)
- Legumbre- Legume
- Leal- Loyal
- Lugar- Place
- Leer- To read
- Lobo- Wolf
- La- The (feminine)
- Lejos- Far
- Línea- Line
- Ligero- Light (weight)
- Lento- Slow
- Laberinto- Labyrinth
- Ladron- Thief
- Langosta- Lobster
- Latido- Heartbeat
- Lavarse- To wash oneself
- Lentamente- Slowly
- Llanto- Crying
- Logro- Achievement
- Lejanía- Distance
- Ladrar- To bark
- Legislativo- Legislative
- Licenciado- Graduate
- Lunar- Mole (on skin)/Lunar
- Lindo- Pretty/Cute
- Losa- Slab
- Litro- Liter
- Lactosa- Lactose
- Lámpara- Lamp
- Lava- Lava
- Laborioso- Laborious
- Laminado- Laminated
- Linguista- Linguist
- Lecho- Bed
- Licencia- License
- Lapso- Lapse
- Lindo- Beautiful
- Lioso- Confusing
- Látex- Latex
- Levadura- Yeast
- Lindar- To border
- Limosna- Alms
- Limusina- Limousine
- Lastimar- To hurt
- Leva- Lever
- Legado- Legacy
- Lirón- Dormouse
- Loable- Praiseworthy
- Latigazo- Lash
- Lisonja- Flattery
- Lóbulo- Lobe
- Liviandad- Lightness
- Loar- To praise
- Lomo- Loin
- Lodoso- Muddy
- Languidecer- To languish
- Leñador- Lumberjack
- Locuaz- Talkative
- Linaje- Lineage