T Words in Spanish: Essential Vocabulary for Learners

In this article, you’ll learn a wide range of Spanish words that start with the letter ‘T’ to enhance your vocabulary.

  1. Tablón- Board
  2. Taza- Cup
  3. Teléfono- Telephone
  4. Templo- Temple
  5. Terremoto- Earthquake
  6. Tercer- Third
  7. Tesoro- Treasure
  8. Tiempo- Time
  9. Tienda- Store
  10. Tierra- Earth
  11. Tigre- Tiger
  12. Tío- Uncle
  13. Tía- Aunt
  14. Tirar- Throw
  15. Tocar- Touch/Play (an instrument)
  16. Todavía- Still
  17. Toldo- Awning
  18. Tomate- Tomato
  19. Tomar- Take/Drink
  20. Tonelada- Ton
  21. Tontería- Nonsense
  22. Tormenta- Storm
  23. Tornillo- Screw
  24. Toro- Bull
  25. Torta- Cake/Pie
  26. Trabajar- Work
  27. Tradición- Tradition
  28. Tragedia- Tragedy
  29. Tragar- Swallow
  30. Tranquilo- Calm
  31. Transporte- Transport
  32. Trapo- Rag
  33. Travesura- Mischief
  34. Treinta- Thirty
  35. Tren- Train
  36. Triángulo- Triangle
  37. Tribu- Tribe
  38. Trigo- Wheat
  39. Triste- Sad
  40. Triturar- Crush
  41. Trofeo- Trophy
  42. Trompeta- Trumpet
  43. Trucha- Trout
  44. Trueno- Thunder
  45. Tunel- Tunnel
  46. Tupido- Dense
  47. Turista- Tourist
  48. Tuyo- Yours
  49. Tutor- Tutor
  50. Tóxico- Toxic
  51. Travesía- Journey
  52. Torero- Bullfighter
  53. Tributo- Tribute
  54. Talar- Chop down
  55. Tara- Defect
  56. Talento- Talent
  57. Tantear- Feel out
  58. Taponar- Plug
  59. Tapiz- Tapestry
  60. Tener- Have
  61. Torno- Lathe
  62. Totem- Totem
  63. Término- Term
  64. Tornado- Tornado
  65. Tabaco- Tobacco
  66. Tensión- Tension
  67. Temblar- Tremble
  68. Trizar- Shatter
  69. Trillo- Fallow land
  70. Turrón- Nougat
  71. Títere- Puppet
  72. Truco- Trick
  73. Teja- Tile
  74. Tenis- Tennis
  75. Temporada- Season
  76. Teñir- Dye
  77. Timón- Helm
  78. Tachar- Cross out
  79. Tolerar- Tolerate
  80. Tallo- Stem
  81. Trenza- Braid
  82. Terry- Terry cloth
  83. Tijera- Scissors
  84. Tarjeta- Card
  85. Tombola- Raffle
  86. Tallo- Stalk
  87. Triunfo- Triumph
  88. Talonario- Checkbook
  89. Túnica- Robe
  90. Trineo- Sled
  91. Tieso- Stiff
  92. Terco- Stubborn
  93. Templar- Temper
  94. Tejer- Weave
  95. Taquillero- Box office attendant
  96. Tercer- Third
  97. Tráiler- Trailer
  98. Telar- Loom
  99. Tugurio- Shack
  100. Tintero- Inkwell