If you’re looking for a comprehensive list of words that start with the letter ‘a,’ this article will provide exactly what you need.
- Abandon- to leave behind or desert
- Abate- to reduce or lessen
- Abbey- a building for monks or nuns
- Abduct- to kidnap or take by force
- Abhor- to hate strongly
- Abide- to tolerate or endure
- Abject- miserable, wretched
- Abode- a place of residence
- Abort- to terminate prematurely
- Abscond- to depart secretly
- Absent- not present
- Absorb- to take in or soak up
- Abstract- theoretical, not concrete
- Abundant- plentiful
- Abuse- to mistreat or misuse
- Abyss- a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm
- Accede- to agree or consent
- Accelerate- to speed up
- Accent- distinctive way of pronunciation
- Accentuate- to emphasize
- Accept- to receive willingly
- Access- means of approach or entry
- Acclaim- enthusiastic approval
- Acclimate- to adjust to a new environment
- Accommodate- to provide lodging or sufficient space
- Accompany- to go with someone
- Accomplish- to achieve or complete successfully
- Accord- agreement or harmony
- Accost- to approach and address boldly
- Account- a record or report of financial transactions
- Accredit- to certify as meeting official standards
- Accumulate- to gather or collect
- Accurate- correct and precise
- Accuse- to charge with a fault or crime
- Acknowledge- to admit or recognize
- Acquaint- to make familiar
- Acquire- to obtain or get
- Acquit- to declare not guilty
- Acre- a measure of land area
- Acrid- sharp or bitter in taste or smell
- Action- the process of doing something
- Active- engaging in movement
- Actor- one who performs in plays or films
- Actual- real and existing in fact
- Acute- sharp or severe
- Adapt- to adjust to new conditions
- Addict- one who is dependent on a substance or activity
- Address- a speech or written statement
- Adept- highly skilled
- Adequate- sufficient, enough
- Adhere- to stick firmly
- Adjoin- to be next to
- Adjourn- to postpone to a later time
- Adjust- to alter or move slightly
- Admire- to regard with respect or wonder
- Admit- to confess or acknowledge
- Adore- to love deeply
- Adopt- to take into one’s family or group
- Adorn- to decorate
- Advance- to move forward
- Advantage- a favorable circumstance or condition
- Advent- the arrival of a notable person or event
- Adventure- an unusual and exciting experience
- Adversary- an opponent or enemy
- Adverse- unfavorable or harmful
- Advertise- to promote publicly
- Advice- guidance or recommendations
- Advise- to offer suggestions or counsel
- Advocate- to support publicly
- Aerial- related to the air
- Aerobic- requiring oxygen
- Aesthetic- relating to beauty or the arts
- Affable- friendly and easy to talk to
- Affect- to influence or impact
- Affection- a gentle feeling of fondness
- Affirm- to declare positively
- Affix- to attach or stick
- Affluent- wealthy and prosperous
- Afford- to have the means to do something
- Aftermath- the consequences of an event
- Agenda- a list of items to be discussed
- Agile- able to move quickly and easily
- Agitate- to stir up or disturb
- Agree- to have the same opinion
- Agriculture- the practice of farming
- Ailment- an illness or disorder
- Aim- to direct a course or purpose
- Airborne- transported by air
- Alarm- a warning of danger
- Alert- watchful and aware
- Alibi- proof of absence from a crime scene
- Alien- belonging to another country or world
- Align- to arrange in a straight line
- Allege- to assert without proof
- Alleviate- to make less severe
- Allocate- to distribute resources
- Allow- to permit
- Allude- to refer to indirectly
- Ally- a supporter or associate
- Altruism- selfless concern for the well-being of others
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